"Diego, you son of a bitch." Luther whispered, to which Diego decided to get into attacking position.

"Calm down," Vanya told them, but Diego still stood with his left leg in front of his right one, left arm out and a knife in his right hand. He laughed at Luther then put his hands down and let Vanya continue, " look I know Dad wasn't exactly an open book, but I do remember one thing he said about Mom. She's designed to be a caretaker but also a protector."

Odette furrowed her eyebrows and for the first time during the family meeting, she spoke up, "What does that mean?"

"She was programmed to intervene if someone's life was in jeopardy," Vanya further explained.

Luther immediately spoke, "Well, if her hardware is degrading, then we need to turn her off."

Diego immediately got mad, waving his knife around, "Woah woah woah woah woah she is not just a vacuum cleaner that you can throw in a closet! She feels things, I've seen it!"

"She stood there Diego! She watched her father die," Luther told him, pointing at the TV screen.

Allison looked down at her whiskey cup, "I'm with Luther."

Diego scoffed and turned to her, "Surprise, surprise." The two brothers looked down at Vanya who just stumbled over her words, "Yeah she shouldn't get a vote."

"I was gonna say that I agree with you, Diego."

"Okay!" Diego exclaimed, "She should get a vote. What about you, stoner boy? What do you got?"

Klaus, who was leaning against another pillar in the house which a bag of chips in his hands, spoke up, "Oh so, what? You need my help now? Oh, 'Get out of the van, Klaus!' 'Well, welcome back to the van.'"

"What van?" Allison questioned to which Luther, knowing perfectly well what he was talking about, ignored.

"What's it gonna be Klaus?"

"I'm with Diego, because screw you!" He yelled at Luther, "And if Ben we're here, he'd agree with me." Suddenly, Klaus turned to his right and hissed at what the sibling assumed was Ben's ghost.

"That's three to two."

"It's not final yet," Allison spoke, "Five's not here. The whole family has to vote. We owe each other that."

All of the siblings quickly left the room leaving Diego, Odette, and Vanya in the living room. The three immediately spotted Grace, and Diego walked up to her.

"How long have you been here?" He asked, gently putting his hand on her shoulder.

Grace looked at Diego, "You all seem upset, I'll make cookies."

Once Grace walked away, Vanya spoke up "Do you ever wonder all those moments with mom, the things she said, like, was it her or was it really dad?"

"What are you talking about?" Diego asked, looking down at his sister.

"Well, he built her. He programmed her to be a mom, our mom. Sometimes when I look at her, I just see him." Diego understood what Vanya was trying to say, but he didn't respond back to her so she just walked off.

"If anything," Odette told him, "I don't think there is an ounce of your Father in her."

He smiled at Odette then walked upstairs to where their bedrooms used to be. Diego looked around the hallway, remembering all the drills their father made them do, and all the chaos. He walked to his bedroom, where he could almost see his mom helping him with his stutter.

His moms voice saying 'picture the word in your mind, Diego' replayed in his mind over and over again, one for every time he had heard it. He sat on his bed and looked around the room, then put his hand on Odette's thigh who was sitting right next to him, "I'll be right back."

A few minutes had passed, and Odette got bored of sitting in Diego's old room, so she walked out to try to find him. Instead of looking through the mansion, she thought about where he might be, and instantly knew he was with his mom.

Odette quietly walked to the room with the different paintings on the wall, and saw Grace and Diego. All she heard was, "He treated you the worst of all, you worked for him for 30 years and he didn't even give you a room to sleep in."

She quickly turned away when realizing their conversation had finished. Odette walked back to Diego's room as fast as she could and pretended to be intrigued by her phone. He opened the door, "I'm hungry."

Odette put her phone down, "Do you wanna eat raw eggs or actual food?

Diego turned his head to the side, "Shut up."

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