Meddling Grandpas & Annoying Bodyguards

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“So do you wanna explain to me how this thing is gonna work?” Kurapika questions, trying to break the silence around them.

“Simple. Until we locate who’s targeting you, i’m suppose to protect you” Kuroro answered, sounding what to excited about the arrangement.

“I see” Kurapika said. Stopping in front of her classroom. She turned around and opened her mouth to tell him to leave, but he was already gone. Kurapika stared at the space were the man use to be, and realised that she didn’t even get his name. She sighed, now how was she supposed to explain this to her friends/roommates. Looking at the time and realising that she only had a minute to enter the classroom, the kurta shook all thoughts of the male and entered the classroom.

After classes

Dammit Kurapika cursed as she entered her dorm. Today really was rough. I guess she should expect nothing less,and plus if she couldn't handle this than she’d never be able to kill the Phantom Troupe.

As she walked into the living room the young women’s eyes widened to the point that they’d give dinner plates a run for their money.

“What are you doing here” the young blond seethed, every word dripping with venom. At this point Kurapika was clad that she was wearing contact lenses, because if she wasn’t than the cat would definitely be out of the bag.

“It's obvious isn’t it. I’m a live in bodyguard.” The black haired man said not at all affected by her tone.

“Fine then” Kurapika said losing all her anger in a second. She then started climbing up the stairs to her room. She turned around and saw that the man was still following her. “Why are you following me?” Kurapika asked, starting to be a little creep d out now.

“To my room of course” he answered without missing a beat.

Oh no. No no no. This better not be heading where Kurapika thinks this is heading, because if it is than she really is gonna murder her grandfather.

She entered her room and saw another bed on the other side of the room. No way. “He can’t be serious” she said, not realising that she said it out loud

“Oh, but he is.” The man answered not even trying to conceal the mirth in his voice.

“I don't need to be protected in my own bedroom. I’m not three, I don’t need a babysitter”

“Well you should tell that to your grandpa not me” He then adds a afterthought “and plus, your most vulnerable when your sleeping”

Kurapika puffed out her cheek, immature and childish, she knows but she can’t help it. He made an excellent point. “So - what's your name?”

“Kuroro, Kuroro Lucifer”

“Kurapika, Kurapika Kurta” The blind introduced herself. “Lessen i know we didn’t start of on the best foot but i think we can get along”

Kuroro looked like he was deep in though, he then smirked “Na, i think pushing your buttons is way better than a truce, and its more fun to push your buttons”

‘Screw that, its official he and i would die before getting along’ Kurapika thought, pissed

*Ok guys, just to clarify a little bit of confusion for those who don't know, Kuroro and Chrollo are the same person. In the old anime they called him Kuroro and in the 2011 one they call him Chrollo*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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