Kurapika Loses The Debate

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It was him, that guy who she had bumped into during the entrance exam after her fight


Kurapika walked out of the room happily. She had done it. She was a hunter in trainee now all she had to do was take the hunter exams, pass them, then she would be allowed to go after the spiders.

Kurapika kept on walking, she was so happy she didn’t notice that she was about to bump into someone. 


Kurapika felt herself falling backward. She closed her eyes preparing for the impact but it never came. 

Instead she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist,

And lips,

Kurapika felt LIPS on hers.

He was kissing her

‘My first kiss’ the blond thought ‘How dare he! I’ll make him pay’

All those thoughts, along with many other ideas for painful deaths were all forgotten when the young women opened her eyes.

Sky meet the night

The night devoured the sky

Deep blue eyes stared in dark obsidian ones

Kurapika opens her mouth to speak, but before the kurta can get even a word out she is already standing on her feet and the man in nowhere to be seen.

Flashback End

Kurapika abruptly stood up

“It’s you!” Kurapika exclaimed. 

“Why the hell did you kiss me?”

“What are you doing here?”

“Why are you here?”

“How long have you been here?”

“Have you been listening in on us”

The black haired male just chuckled at her reaction. “Come down Pika-chan. I’ll answer all your questions, but before that i think you should breath.

Kurapika warily sat back down

Then quickly she connected the dots. “Please don’t tell me he’s my bodyguard” the kurta begged

“All right he’s not your bodyguard” Netero said bluntly

Hope lit up in Kurapika’s eyes like fire, but her grandpa rained on it just as fast.

“He’s your live in bodyguard” Netero continued

“MY WHAT!” Kurapika exclaimed

“He’s your live in bodyguard. It means that he’s not just any bodyguard he lives with you. He watches over you 24:7” Netero explained.

“I KNOW WHAT A LIVE IN BODYGUARD IS!!!” Kurapika shouted. Realising how loud she was getting the girl lowered her voice. Putting her hands on his desk desperate at this point, “ I need to know, WHY I need one. I can protect myself.”

“We’ll you see, the person who’s after you is stronger than you and we don’t know who it is yet but we do know he is very persuasive and has persuaded many people to come target you” Netero tried to reason with her.

“Yeh well, I haven’t noticed anyone trying to attack me yet” Kurapika fired back.

Netero didn't answer this time, it was the other male in the room. His silky voice spoke casually, “Oh that. That was because of me. I have already - took care - of some of his followers.”

Kurapika understood right away what his definition of took care of meant. She wasn’t a child, and this wasn’t the first time someone had come looking for her, trying to steal her eyes.

“Fine” Kurapika said

The girl realized that there was just no rezoning with these people. So she just decided to accept it.

Netero did his annoying laugh, “ Perfect that you two best be off to your class”

“Don’t worry, you won’t even notice me.” Kuroro added in

“Oh i’m pretty sure I noticed you last time” Kurapika bite at him, refusing to let him have the last laugh.

Kurapika walked out of her grandpa’s office with her spirits down.

Bottom line 

She had lost there little debate

She had to get a bodyguard

For anyone who realises that this sound a lot like ‘the opening of the heart’ well the reason it does is, because i was inspired to write this because of that story and as a result it is roughly based on that story so sorry if you don't like it.
Feel free to leave advice in the comments below and if there’s a certain moment you would like to be in the story just let me know. But it has to be appropriate for all ages. And if there’s another shipping you’d like to see from hunter x hunter that's not already happening let me know, i’ll do it if i can work it in i will.

Thanks for reading.

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