The Exam

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Kurapika Picture

Kurapika Picture

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Gon picture

Gon picture

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Kurapika let out a deep sigh, " Yes. Gon. What do you need"

"If i don't survive this will you pleeeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeeee leave tulips on my grave instead of lilys. I like tulips better", Gon said shaking as sweat began to form on her hands.

"oh hush now. there will be no need for any flowers i'm passing this written test and so are you. Were both gonna pass this test and then the next physical one and then were gonna be hunters taking classes and jobs by next Sunday." , kurapika said with a determined look on her face. " - And plus this is just the first step for both of us soon you'll be starting to look for your dad and i'll be traing to find, destroy, and kill those disgusting spiders. Gon let out a shaky laugh at Kurapikas enthusiasm to destroy the spiders. if theirs one thing Kurapika is looking forward to it's killing those A-rank criminals and avenging her clan along with getting all her clans eyes back. Than Gon realised kurapika is right. she shouldn't be thinking negative thoughts right now she should be happy shes getting one step closer to finding Ging.

"Yeah your right. I'm sorry i wasn't acting like myself guess i am a little worried about the exam. you know i suck at written exams", Gon told her best friend.

"It's fine, replied kurpaika. " I'm just glad you snapped out of this now come on lets find our numbers and take our seats."

"Kay", said Gon brightly. "See you after we pass. K." Kurapika just smiled fondly at Gon and went to find her seat.

'this is gonna a be hard i. i remember hearing a rumour that less than 30% of the applicants pass the written exam and only 3% pass every year.' Kurapika thinks to herself.

" alright listen up and listen well. I'll only be saying this one time; and I'll be answering no questions." A women with turquoise coloured hair yelled from the front of the room. Next to her stood a LARGE man with a HUGE stomach.

"The written exam will be conducted on a point reduction system. Everyone will start the test with a perfect score of 10 points. There will be 10 questions; for every question you answer wrong you will lose 1 point. The test will be multiple choice " The large man next to the women replied.

"Oh and before I forget anyone caught cheating 5 times will fail immediately; oh and those students you see around you have 7 years of experience or more and eyes as sharper than knives." The women at the front added with a little to much happening in her voice.

"Menchi. You forgot. Again" the man with the huge stomach reminded her.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry sorry. My bad brats nearly forgot to mention that you need a 80% or more to pass this test. We'll now that's done you may begin the exam."

Kurapika flips the paper over. Her heart stops beating for a moment. 'No way Gon dos doesn't stand a chance in hell in solving these. She needs a 80% to pass but there's only so much luck can do. Heck I dobt more than a handful of people other than me even other than me even understand these questions' Kurapika thinks to herself.

'Oh well let's hope for the best and hope that luck is on our side.' Kurapika prays.


"We did it we passed" Gon yelled happy.

"Yeah we did" Kurapika says with a smile

But then her smile shrinks as she looks around the room there were only 24 people left.

"All right eyes up front so I can explain the rules of the second part please" The hear a voice. As Kurapika knows who the voice belongs to without having to turn her head it was the principle of Hunter Academy and her legal guardian Netero Issac. Thou her legal guardian ( or grandfather as she likes to call him) is the principle of Hunter Academy she has never been introduced to the school because her grandfather is quite protective of her.

" it's quite simple you will be put in a ring with someone else the winner becomes a student at the Academy well the loser gets more chances by fighting someone else.

"Wait so that means that only 1 person won't make it?" Kurapika asks.

"Yup. That's right" he replies with his usual grin. " oh I should probably also mention no killing is aloud either than that anything goes to make the person give up.

I am skipping the fights Kuroro does watches Kurapika's and sees she has potential.



Thank you for reading

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