She was Impossible to Forget

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Stop burdening me with your letters. My mailbox likes being alone.

Please forget we, whatever "we" were, ever happened.

I did.


Arden Stone

"Ouch, that's pretty rough." Gemma stated, handing the letter back to me.

"I told her she had burdened me with her friendship, that I liked my alone time. That's why she said all that. She's using what I said against me; and it's totally working." I explained. Ashton chuckled. I glared at him and almost immediately snapped. "How is any of this funny?"

"You were a complete dick and I think it's funny she's using your own ass hole moves against you. Love ya Haz but you screwed her so bad and she's taking it like a man." Ashton informed, shrugging his shoulders as he flipped through one of my more recent sketchbooks. "Plus your sketches have been shit lately."

"I know all of that already! But it's not all my fault! Gemma never called!" I argued.

"Yeah but Gemma didn't make those words leave your mouth, mate. That was all you, and although everyone knows you have little to no self control when you're emotional, it's still your weight to carry. Gemma already carries hers. You have yet to blame yourself completely." Ashton rebutted. I groaned.

"I know but-"

"But what? Who are you gonna blame now? Your dad cause he left? We're sorry but he isn't coming back and you've known that for a long time. Gemma didn't call? We know. She apologized. You're staying here aren't you? We're helping get your girl back! What about you, Harry? What about the things you said? You're to blame. Stop blaming other people and Be a man. A man would take responsibility and try to get Arden back. You're being a child. Hiding behind letters and blaming other people." Ashton fought. I sucked in a breath, stepping back to evaluate everything he said.

"Are you saying I should go find her?"

"And here I thought I was being discrete about it. YES. I'm saying you should go find her." Ashton exclaimed, spinning around and throwing his hands in the air as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "It's not even like you have to find her you already know where she is. America is only as far as you make it seem, Haz."

"You mean it? You think I should go?"

"Your plane leaves in an hour. Better hurry, lover boy." Ashton chuckled. My jaw dropped as he slapped a plane ticket into my hand. I scrambled for a back pack, stuffing essentials into it. My passport, some clothes, my sketch pad, and that was about it. I hugged Ashton and Gemma, thanking them for their help.

"Call it even, haz" Gemma joked.

"Definitely." I assured, running out the door to find a cab. Once inside the yellow car, I pulled out my cell phone, hoping to get ahold of Arden to let her know I hadn't given up.

"This is Arden, if I have to tell you what to do you probably shouldn't be calling."


"Arden, it's me. Library boy. I'm coming for you, And once I find you, I'm never letting go. See you soon Library girl."

And with that, I hopped out of the cab, and boarded the plane.


"You're an awfully handsome young man to be all by yourself." An old man whispered from next to me, I chuckled.

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