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| donghyuck's house |

"byebye princess! i'll pick you up at seven." jeno pecked donghyuck forehead before closing the door.

donghyuck felt his world change. jeno had actually changed. and he starting to like his this way.

"hyuck? are you home?" his grandma asked, hearing the door close.

"yes?" he entered the kitchen. seeing a small chinese boy.

"hyuckie.. we something to tell you." she smiled.

| ice cream store |

donghyuck eyed the boy. "so your xiaojun?"

the chinese nodded. "i worked under your parents for awhile."



jeno came in. "xiaojun?- wait. hyuck your p-parents.."

donghyuck signed. "are alive."

| party |

"where's jeno?" mark asked.

"with his new boyfriend, he told me hyuck have his own family problems right now." winwin slurred perfectly.

"oh." was his only response, before a smile slipped on.

"b.. but there rumors.. t-th..at he heading t..  to hi..s hometown w-with his b..boyfriend h-.." and winwin passed out before finishing his pharse.

"boyfriend? and donghyuck's hometown?"

nightmare. markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now