Chapter 16: She looks like my Blue Eyes White Dragons!

Start from the beginning

I then realize that Seto has not moved in a while so I walk up to him until we are a foot apart and I glance up to him and ask him if he's alright.

Seto's POV:

After almost being electrocuted by that crazy Dragon named Volt, Blaze awakens from her Light Stone form and transforms into the Dragon that she had told me about the first few days after we "met" saving my life in the process.

When I saw what she looked like though I couldn't help but find myself staring at her feeling more than bewildered and surprised to see how much she looks like my most beloved Duel Monsters card.

The Blue eyes White Dragon!

3rd POV:

" I can't believe it you look like my Blue eyes White Dragon..."  Seto says still amazed and bewildered, Yugi and the others silently agreeing in the background.

" Oh, what is a Blue eyes White Dragon? I've never seen or heard of one where I am from." Blaze asked wondering why she has never heard of this type of Dragon before.

" I will tell you about it and show you later..." Seto says still struggling to get a hold of himself.

After a few moments when things settle down... Seto returned to somewhat acting like himself and invites Blaze back to his mansion, telling her that there is someone that he would like her to meet. He then calls his brother and tells him to meet him there.

( time skip)

When they make it back to the Kaiba mansion Mokuba is already there looking out the windows waiting for his brother to come back and is relieved to see him unharmed when he gets there.

Seto's POV:

When Blaze and I walk through the door I am immediately greeted by Mokuba who looks extremely relieved to see that I have not been harmed.

" Seto! I'm so glad that you are here safe and sound!" Mokuba says smiling.

That smile then fades and becomes a look of confusion when he turns his attention to the Whitette Dragon woman beside me. I too then turn my attention to her to find her smiling most likely ecstatic to have finally been able to have met myself and Mokuba in person outside of her dormant state.

" Umm... Seto if you don't mind me asking, I was wondering.... Who is she? I have never seen her before. Which reminds me where is the Light Stone...,I don't see it with you?" Mokuba asked at a pace that seems like a mile a minute.

" Why don't you ask her yourself, she has been waiting to meet you since you last talked to her.' I told him.

" You mean she is the..." Mokuba started to say but trailed off.

I then look over at Blaze again to see her nodding with a gentle smile widening across her facial features. She then kneels down and says;

" Your suspicions are correct I am the one from the Light Stone, my name is Blaze Dragon.
It's nice to finally meet you and your brother face to face without the use of my powers."

Mokuba continues to stare with a blank expression until a huge smile spreads across his face and begins to get excited, all the while starting to ask questions, not before saying;

" I can't believe that you are actually here and that I am actually able to communicate with you! This is awesome!! I also heard that you look really similar to my brother's Blue eyes White Dragon! We are going to get along so well! I can't wait to get to know you better, we will be the best of friends before you know it Blaze!"

A Dragon similar to Blue eyes White Dragon? (Seto Kaiba x Female! Reshiram OC )Where stories live. Discover now