Chapter 31 ~ Isla Tesoro

Start from the beginning

"All dressed up and nowhere to go," she mused. "And this is the type of life you'd have me lead as your consort?" Mia flushed at her own words. She had been trying to make a point. She hadn't intended to make Hook grin the way he was now. Mia averted her gaze, annoyed with herself.

Hook, however, was polite enough not to gloat. Watching her react to her own comment was plenty enough for him. "Besides," he said, "I wouldn't be able to find the goods I intend to procure on some remote tropical island. You'll find, Mia, that Puerto Dorado has much to offer. Yes, even for a proper young lady like yourself," he added at the skeptical look on her face.

As they walked past the docks, Mia saw rowdy sailors swarming the town, laughing, singing, and carrying on, each with a bottle of rum in hand. These men were here to do anything they damn well pleased. On the edge of town, bawdy women stood in the doorways of small adobe houses, beckoning with giggles and curling fingers. The men grabbed them and hoisted them over their shoulders. In a flurry of skirts, they were carried into the houses, the doors slamming shut behind them. Mia could hear the sounds of their debauchery from the open upstairs windows. 

Hook tightened his grip on Mia's arm. Mia didn't protest. She walked closer to him as they followed the cobblestone road into town proper. "It would be best for you to stay close," he advised in a soft undertone. "I am confident you will find things in this town that tickle your fancy, but you are right to assume this place isn't without its dangers. But so long as you do not wander off, you'll be safe." His tone and expression briefly darkened. "No one would dare touch that which belongs to Hook."

Mia opened her mouth to protest, but he swiftly cut her off.

"Before you go spouting the cliché 'I don't belong to anyone,' speech, consider at least playing the role of my consort for the time being. It is in your best interests, Mia."

Mia sighed. "Aye," she replied.

Hook gave her an amused smile as he led her through the town. Compared to all the modern technology Mia had witnessed back in Epcot, this place looked like it was lost in time. It was like something right out of the golden age of piracy! They even dressed the part! In spite of the dangers, Mia couldn't help feeling a little excited.

They walked past businesses, pubs, and modest Spanish-style cottages, all teeming with life. And from the look of it, it wasn't just pirates who resided here, though there were plenty.

When Mia questioned him about it, Hook replied, "No, it isn't just pirates. There are landowners, business proprietors, and merchants here as well; though no one would consider them respectable folk. After all, they associate and do business with pirates. It doesn't matter who you are. These people will gladly sell food, drink, and wares to anyone from a wealthy contessa to the lowliest and foulest of buccaneers. It truly is a neutral island." He glanced down at her with a warning look. "Though, I wouldn't go boasting about being from Cerenopia, if I were you. The Allied Kingdoms are not viewed fondly in this lawless country."

Mia nodded gravely. The risks were more than evident. Nevertheless, just as anxiety roiled within her, so too was there a delightful rush of adrenaline and a thrill of excitement which could not be ignored.

They must have been quite the sight, strolling arm and arm through the pirate town - the captain, dapperly dressed in his finest coat with a curious young woman by his side, who was dressed far more respectably than most of the townswomen, save for her bare feet. Much of the chaos had died down when they neared the center of town. A hush fell over the street and everyone stared at them. As they passed, Mia heard folks speaking in loud whispers.

"Hook! It's Hook!"

Everyone in town knew who he was. There appeared to be two types of people; those who stopped in the street to gape at him, and those who ran, screaming at the sight of him. Of the gawkers, several raised their fists into the air and made a curled shape with their index fingers, mimicking the image of a hook as the captain walked past. An excited chant arose from the crowd as they thrust their hooked fingers into the air.

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