"Kill me?! I saved his life! Or, lack of it," Zayn gestured Liam not really sure what he was.

"We could turn him," Liam suggested desperately.

"Turn me? Like, into a demon thingy? Or a dog thingy?"

"If we try to turn him, he would die," Louis stated making Liam frown. It was true, Zayn would never survive it.

"Why don't we just take him? He seems alright," Harry suggested taking a liking to the raven-haired boy.

"We'll have to for now. It's not safe for any of us," Louis looked around frowning when he noticed the same black car.

"Okay! I'll just run off with you guys while you decide on whether or not to kill me! Sounds like fun!" Zayn smiled sarcastically, but none of them seemed to catch on.

"Good. Go with Louis, he's the fastest," Liam instructed.

"Oh, no. Where do you think that you are going? The fun has just started," the man stepped out of a car with a gun.

"Why me?" Zayn groaned having had enough of today. If God wanted to kill him today, would he just get on with it already? He felt like his death was being dragged out.

"Ah, you see, I've always wanted my own vampires. The wolf is just a bonus," the man grinned cocking his gun.

"What makes you think that a pathetic gun will stop me from ripping your throat out," Harry growled showing his fangs.

"Silver bullets," the man shrugged with a smirk knowing that Harry would have to stand down.

"Speechless? You vampires never know what it's like to feel weak. You can't die like normal people, and you get cocky. It's a shame, really," the man trailed off unaware that Zayn wasn't a vampire, "Get in the car, or I'll shoot. Don't think about making a move for the gun because it's made of silver too. Guess you vampires aren't as strong as you seem."

Zayn watched Liam step into the car, and then Harry, and then it was his turn.

"What are ya waiting for?" the man yelled pointing his gun at Zayn.

"Nothing! I was just thinking about how you managed this," Zayn shook his head. The guy was crazy.

But Zayn was crazier.

He walked towards the car, but he had no intentions of getting inside. Instead, he kicked the man in the knee and grabbed ahold to the gun.

There was a moment when they both struggled for the gun knowing that their life depended on having that gun, but Zayn managed to release it from the other man's hand.

"B-But how? Your a v-vampire," the man stuttered nervous due to the gun pointed at his head.

"No, actually, I'm a human because vampires aren't fucking real!" Zayn yelled making the man flinch in fear. That's when Zayn took a deep breath, he wasn't a murderer.

"Go. And don't come back," Zayn sighed watching the man run into his car and pull off. He wondered why the cute ones were always crazy.

"You let him go? Why?" Liam questioned bewildered.

"Because I'm not a murderer. Plus, he's not bad on the eyes," Zayn shrugged nonchalantly.

"That was sick! Zayn was all like, 'Ha! I'm no vampire,' And that man was like, 'Ah! Have mercy!' And Zayn was like 'Whatever, peasant. Get out of my sight.' Guys, can we keep him? Pleease?" Louis looked between Harry and Liam jutting his lip out.

"I could shoot you guys right now," Zayn pointed out, "So you're going to let me go. And I'm going to pretend like none of this happened, and we can go back to not knowing each other."

"Zayn, we can't-,"

"Let him go," Harry interrupted not wanting Liam to die.

"Thank you," Zayn sighed beginning his walk back. When he turned to make sure that they weren't following him, they were already gone.

Part of Zayn wondered about what would happen to them, but he wasn't concerned enough to stay and look. He was too focused on where he would go tonight.

Ricky would be too mad from earlier, if he was even alive. Zayn stopped in his tracks as fear swallowed his body whole. Ricky had to be okay. He frantically dialed his number, and sighed in relief when he heard the man on the other end.

"Zayn! Where are you?! I haven't seen you all night!" Rick raged confusing Zayn.

"I-I already went home? Don't you remember?"

"You did?" Rick's end of the phone went silent, "I have to go."


Zayn sighed as the line went dead. The only other place Zayn could go would be back to his 'boss', and he wasn't willing to do that when he hadn't made the money that he was supposed to.

So that meant that he was sleeping out here, in the dark. Zayn shivered slightly as the adrenaline from before seemed to wear off. Goosebumps were very apparent on his skin, but he couldn't tell if they were from the brisk wind of the night, or the fear that had settled deep inside of his stomach. Either way, they were there.

Zayn's p.o.v.

I decided that I would sleep just outside of headquarters. I was too afraid to go inside, anyway.

I watched all of the familiar faces walk inside, but I didn't say a word to any of them. None of us really spoke to each other considering that we really were each other's competition. Every month, the person who makes the least amount of money, gets a visit from our boss personally. A visit that I have received many times, and a visit that I will probably get again.

Our boss, Damien, is not a nice guy. The first time that I was last, was a day that I will never forget, and it still makes me sick every time I think about it. But it's funny, because I don't get the right to be.

I only get what I deserve, but that doesn't make it any easier. The beatings still hurt, the words still burn, and I still can't do anything about it. That's life.

And it sucks.

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