Chapter 13

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Daniella looked at her reflection in the mirror, lifting her head up, no longer feeling as hopeless as she used to. She was much more determined, much stronger, and what happened proved to her that she wasn't weak. She came out of the restroom, her hands slightly damp, and she sat down next to Reid, who looked at her quickly before looking down at the book again, quiet. She reached over and gently took the book from him, placing it on the table.

"Hey," she said, looking at him.

"Hey," he said quietly, trying to avoid her gaze.

He reached over for the book again, and Daniella grabbed his hands softly and interlaced their fingers. He looked down at their hands, and he smiled a bit, ignoring her gaze still. He felt her gentle hand lift his chin up; he looked into her warm, welcoming eyes.

"I talked to Prentiss already and now I want to talk to you," she said, her voice soft. "What he did to me is not yours or Emily's fault. I decided to do it, and I would do it again in a heartbeat so you guys wouldn't get hurt. "

"But he hurt you," he said, his voice barely a whisper.

"And he would have killed you," she replied gently, looking into his eyes. "I'm fine, okay?"

His eyes wandered to her face, and he sat up a bit, his mind wondering. He licked his lips, opening his mouth to say something, but he sighed against it.

"Okay?" she said.

He nodded, looking at her. He felt lost when she removed her hand from his jaw, the loss of touch scaring him a bit. He reached over, his fingers wrapping around her wrist, pulling her back into the seat.

"Can I try something?" he asked.

Daniella nodded, Reid hesitating a bit before finally deciding it was time. He was shy and very scared, but he was also in love with this girl. He has been for a very long time now. He placed a hand on her cheek, leaning in. Her eyes fluttered closed as Reid placed his lips on hers, the kiss short, soft, and sweet.

"That okay?" He asked, pulling away slightly, opening his eyes to see her doing the same.

"Mhm," she mumbled, closing the gap between them again.

He kissed her back, a bit eager that it was finally happening, and he wrapped an arm around her waist, keeping her in place, a soft gasp leaving her lips when he bit down on her lip.

"Guys, woah," Prentiss laughed.

Reid pulled away and looked up at Prentiss, who shot him a wink. She gave them a blanket and went back to her spot to sleep. They both let out a laugh, and Reid let her cuddle up against him.

"So, that happened."

She looked up at him, a smile on her face. "Yeah."

He tucked some hair behind her ear, pressing his lips to her forehead, Daniella melting at the loving gesture.

"Will you go out on a date with me?" He asked. "When we get home and are finally rested?"

She kissed his cheek. "I'd love to."

Reid smiled and pulled the blanket over them.

There was about to be a new journey, and it was one they all had to be prepared for. They were still family and some lovers, for better or worse.

Daniella arrived at her apartment later that night. Reid had offered her to stay at his apartment, but she declined politely, saying something about showering and slightly cleaning out the mess in her living room. She gave him a final kiss before he began to protest, making him fight against the offer.

She suppressed a yawn and walked up to her apartment. She unlocked the door and picked up the mail that was under her door.

She found it strange and pulled out her gun and searched her apartment. No one was there and everything seemed in tact with the way she had left things. She noticed a yellow envelope near the entrance of her door that she hadn't noticed before.

She was no longer tired, but alert. She picked it up carefully before opening it.

She pulled out pictures of her and Reid and the entire team. She called some of her cousins she hadn't spoken to in years, and she dropped them, panic quickly taking over her. She looked at the folded paper and slowly began to unfold it. She let out a breath at the next words.

I'm coming for you .


I'm ecstatic that people have actually read this! I love you all so much!!❤️❤️❤️

I will probably write a second story, basing it mostly on Daniella and Reid, with the outcome of what happened in the ending. In the meantime, while I continue to write more about their journey, I would love for you to check out Adeline, which is another fanfic, just not a Spencer Reid one. I'm extremely happy about writing these two, so thank you!

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