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-Kyoko's POV- 

*Alarm ringing..*

Urgh.. It is morning already?! I want more sleep... 

"Kyoko! You better wake up or you will be late for your interview!" Ayaka yelled at me as she slammed a pillow on me. 

Oh rights, I forgotten I have an interview at Kuri Kuri's later on. Thankfully I stayed at Ayaka's. Ayaka seems to be smiling so happily, I wonder why. 

Ayaka, what's with you? Why are you smiling on a morning..?

"I have an interview today too, I was shortlisted for my university course!"

Congrats girl! I am happy for you. Shall we celebrate at your house tonight? For being shortlisted for interviews.. like you know..

"Sure! I want to invite our class too, as a mini gathering." 

Sounds good! Alright, I shall get prepared for my interview. 

So I went for my job interview at Kuri Kuri's, the shop is surprisingly small, yet it looks comfy to stay and chill to do works or for a chat while having a cup of coffee. Then I walked towards the counter.

"Hi! Welcome, what would you like to have today? Coffee, tea or me, sweetie?" I was asked by a weird barista whom she has a huge face and have a rather short hair.

Eh I am sorry, but I am here for the interview..?

"Oh! Saito... Saito.. Fuy-"

Saito Kyoko. It's Saito Kyoko.

"Oh!! Saito Kyoko. So you are Saito Kyoko, please wait for a moment while I call my boss. Please have a seat."

The barista then rushed into their mini office right beside the mini kitchen. I took a seat near the glass window. I look outside the window as I was still waiting for them to come out until I received a text from Ayaka.

Ayaka: Kyoko, I seemed like I have did badly for the interview.. What should I do.. 

Ayaka: This is a mess...

Ayaka: I don't think I can do this.. Help me Kyoko

Oh no something must have happened to Ayaka, I just hope she is not kidding me though. Just as I was about to reply Ayaka.. 


"Oh Saito Kyoko! Where did she go?"

The barista earlier shouted my name out loudly that all the customers whom were in the cafe turned to look at the barista. Jeez, that was rather embarrassing. I raised up my hand and yelled "Here!" 

The barista wanted to shout again until I see a small little girl with blonde short hair smack her right on her head with a menu. That must be the boss, I thought to myself that I thought I would fail the interview immediately too as I just witnessed what the boss did to the barista. The boss of the cafe then walked towards to where I was seated at. 

"Hi, pleasure to meet you Saito Kyoko." The boss said as she bowed. 

Hi, how should I address you as?

"Ah rights I always forget to introduce myself. I am Suzumoto Miyu, owner of Kuri Kuri's as I love chestnuts, and that barista over there is Oda Nana, or Dani for short." 


"Alrights, my interview would be simple, just introduce me more about yourself and what do you do most of the time."

I am Saito Kyoko, I just graduated from high school recently, and just applied for university, currently waiting for the application results. I always like to watch videos of people eating ramen because I love ramen. 

"That's interesting. Unique." 

I witnessed this Dani person beside the boss nodding her head as I finished each of my sentences. 

"Okay then, you are accepted. Your first day shall be tomorrow, report at 11am sharply and Dani will guide you along."

Alright, thank you so much though!

"Well then, I will see you tomorrow..... Kyoko. Now Dani! Stop slacking around and back to work!" 

Thank you! 

I said my thanks and rushed out since Ayaka sounded sad in the texts she sent me. I then decided to give her a call. 




Jesus, why is she not picking up?! 

/buzz/ A text from Ayaka. 

Ayaka: I will see you at my house. 

She did not pick up my call but sent me a text? What is wrong with her? I seriously hope she will be alright. 

Soon, I went back to Ayaka's house as she told. 

/Presses the door bell/ 

No response? 

/Presses again/ 

Ayaka? I asked as I knocked on the door. 

Are you home yet? 

Hmm.. Maybe she isn't? 

I wanted to knock again but I heard the sound of the door unlocking, I was so prepared to hug her, console her, until the door opened to Ayaka's mum. I greeted her mum with a smile, her mum told me that Ayaka was in her room, crying, or rather sobbing. 

Now here's the second door that I have to knock, her room door. I hope I don't need to knock on the third door which shall be the toilet door later. 

I tried to knock, but it was not lock according to Ayaka's mum, so I pushed opened the door to see a familiar looking girl, hugging Ayaka. 

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