The Art Of Breaking Hearts ✔

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Status: completed

By: sadreadingchick

I was unable to keep myself from blushing.
"I'm not his girlfriend."

"Yet." Ryder and Benjamin said simultaneously.

"Oh, so the conceitedness runs in the family?" I asked with a roll of my eyes.

"I'm afraid so. Now, tell me more about yourself."

"Well, I like playing soccer a lot. And if I were to choose between my books and human beings, then I choose books. Also, I think your brother is annoying and has too big of an ego. But wanna know something?"

He nodded.

I stopped the car at a traffic light and turned back to him.

Leaning into his ear, I whispered loud enough for Ryder to hear,"I think I like him."

The art of breaking hearts is an inscrutable preprossessing, abstract art. Never ever will you go through breaking someone's heart without having your own broken. And it would be very eccentric if one did not go through the process of having their own heart shattered into millions of pieces when trying to do the same to another.

Unfortunately, I learned that the hard way.

Just finished reading it today. Still not over it. A really good book with all the right feels. 

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