Chapter 6

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Ralph's phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out, checking the what the notification was.

More ice❄️🤪: I need to tell ya something, text me back when you can.

Ralph laughed at the stupid name that Maurice put into Ralph's phone as the contact, but then stopped laughing as he realized what the text said.

Suddenly, Maurice's phone buzzed.

Golden bOi🌟: What's up?

Back on Ralph's side, he anxiously waited for a reply.

More ice❄️🤪: It's about Jack, ik y'all aren't together right now but its kinda important 😬

Ralph opened his phone and replied back.

Yeah dude, what is it?

I think Jack might
be hurting himself?

This ain't it chief.

And we both know
he ain't gonna listen
to me or take my help
sksksk so do u know
what to do? Also lol
but srsly tho

Lol yea sorry. I'll
try talking to him, ig.

OMG tysm Golden
boi. Ik it seems weird
for me of all ppl to
care but I really do

Oof. Aight I gtg now Maur,
my class is starting. I'll text Jack
at the end of the day and let u
know what happens my dude.



Ralph sighed, turning his phone back off. He really didn't want to talk to Jack right now, but he guessed he needed to. Jack needed him, and Ralph wasn't going to desert Jack. Even if he wanted to get away for just two more weeks. He deserved those two weeks.

But things don't always work out, do they?


A few minutes after the last bell rang, Jack felt a buzz in his pocket. Pulling out his phone, he checked the contact name.

My Sunshine☀️💛

The name shot a pang of sadness and guilt through Jack's heart. However, Jack realized that Ralph was texting him for the first time since they had talked at Roger and Simon's townhouse, all those days ago.

He hastily opened the iMessage app.

What's up with you?

Uh, nothing? Why?

Don't play that game
with me Jack. Maurice
told me everything.

I honestly have no idea
what you're talking about

He said he thinks
you're hurting yourself.

Jack froze for a minute, then began typing again.

Well he's wrong.

Then show me your

Jack sighed a breath of relief.

(Download picture, 15 megabytes)

Ralph didn't text back for a few minutes. Assumingely, Jack thought he was either asking Maurice about what he said or he was thinking of other places where wounds would be.

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