Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - A Big Mistake

*Delilah's POV *

I raced through the corridors to get to my form room. I needed to talk to Oliver so bad.

"Hey babe, why you always in a big time rush" he burst out laughing at his own joke.

"That - that was awful." Oliver grinned while giving me a cheesy thumbs up, "what are you doing tonight?"

"Actually, I was thinking of having a sesh (not sure whether Americans use this slang? If not, then it's basically a party where there's Alcohol and sometimes drugs) because Dad's on a Business trip and Mams probably gonna go out and get pissed anyways. So we might as well do it too."

I smirked, knowing tonight was going to be class. Just then, Lilly-Anne and Holly strutted in to our form room, their faces crinkled with smirks that rivalled my own.

" Forget Friday night training! I heard your dearest darling father is out of town? What ever you're planning, we want in." Holly grinned, pulling out some extra bubblegum flavoured chudd. (chudd is slang for gum).

Suddenly, the entire form room began to swarm around her, hands thrust proudly in her direction, each eager for a piece.

"no way. Bog off the lot of you. Buy you're own you cheap skates." a collection of groans echoed through the class room. Honestly, no ones chud is safe here.

Crunch crunch crunch

Once again half the class swooped down like vultures on Oliver who sat there, happily munching away on a packet of cool original doritos.

Rather aggressively, he slammed his hands together, crushing all the tortilla chips in to small pieces. Making eye contact with every hungry student, he raised the bag to his lips and devoured them.

"You're an idiot." Holly, Lilly-Anne and I all said in perfect sync.

He just smirked and gave us a dusty thumbs up.


"Ayyyyy. 10 more minutes and we can get out of this dumb." Holly groaned, staring hopelessly at the clock at the back of the room. We were in the middle of our Triple Science Physics lesson.

"don't you mean 10 more minutes till we get out of this dumb and head to your dumb." Lily-Anne high fived Reyna who held a sly grin on her face.

"Woah! If that's how you wanna play it I guess you won't want to be getting any pre-drinks then?" Archie laughed as he slung his arm around Holly, kissing her pouting lips.

"Awe she was just joking." a voice spoke as I felt an arm wrap loosely around my shoulders, clearly trying to mimick Archie and Holly.

"Not a chance!" I laughed as I shook off a hurt Oliver.

"Delilah! Enough! I've had it up to here with you and your friends. All of you will wait here at the end of school and stay until I say other wise! Is that understood?" Mr Lee shouted, his toad like face turning a dangerous shade of purple. The vein on his forehead throbbed and I was sure it would pop at any given moment.

" Whoaaa Sir looks like he's gonna blow! " Archie yelled, doubling Iver from laughing too hard.

The look on Mr Lee's face was priceless. I almost fell off my chair from laughing.

"Detention! All of you! And get the hell out of my class room this instant!" Mr Lee practically screached. When ever he yelled I swear he sounded like a banshee.

A collection of 'oooooohhhhhh' s rang out from my peers. This was probably the most exciting thing they've ever seen in this lesson.

" Phsst like we care. Any one wanna join us?" Holly yelled to the class, making a drastic jesture towards the door. "I promise it's far better than being in here!"

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