Chapter Thirteen

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"And within me rose the battle, between myself and myself?"


I traced my fingertips on the lines of the mark carved into my skin, for what seemed to be the hundredth time. I was longing for his presence already. The room breathed his scent and the mattress I was sat on was engulfed with his fascinating odor.

It seemed like pleasant torture. He was here somehow, but that to me wasn’t enough. I exhaled and held my breath, I breathed slower, I tried to push away the yearning senses.

Who was I kidding?

I couldn’t fool the bond.

My fingers, which hungered after him, ran through my hair desperately, and then again, across my mark. They were at least touching him after all, they were sensing something he made. He left a part of  him on me. What did I leave? A beating heart.

He will remember me, I thought. He will come back.

I took in deep breaths and snapped out of it. My feet stomped on the ground and my hair ran loose across shoulders. My hands gripped on the counter and I stared at the mirror ahead of me. I looked into the drawn reflection and into those black emeralds. “I’m the Alpha.” I said slowly. My fists clenched on the counter and with a sudden reflex the wood snapped. I didn’t have time for this now. Time is the only thing we never ever had.

“ALEX!” My voice boomed as I repeated his name again. My feet rushed down the stairs and into the long hallways. I crashed into a steady figure as my arms curled around the person’s throat. It was Alex. “Get me my mate now.” I shouted. My words were emphasized with clarity and propelling rage, as I ordered everyone in the house.

The woodsy smell filled my lungs as my shoes scratched on the numb verdures. I placed the palm of my hand over my heart and allowed myself to hear its distressed pounding.




I couldn’t depend on my sight nor my hearing. I had to feel him somehow, because somewhere in the woods he’s in pain. I caused him the pain and that kills me. As long as I’m part of this bond I’m investing dreadfulness into him.

My wolf was fully alerted and ready to any sudden movement. She was ready to feel him again. His pack members were literally everywhere and there was no sign of him. It doesn’t worry me as much as it motivates me. They can’t find him. I should find him, the bond knows its way to him. We are linked in such a bigger way- he is me and I am him. If he’s gone- I would have burnt by now.

I can feel their eyes on me as they scatter in every direction in utter worry.  They run wildly looking for their leader. Another branch snaps as I take one more step into the woods. The vastness of the land doesn’t help. I don’t count the amount of steps I took without him. I count the number of ones I’ve taken to reach him.

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