"It's ok...Payal.. besides..a sip of tea won't harm me..."

Arnav smiled little...

What a heck, now he has to console payal..!!

Not wanting to spoil payals spirit Arnav tried to tackle the situation. she's already very nervous, but she's trying to act confident infront of Raizadas.. that's different unlike her younger sister.. who only knows how to dish out.

Khushi she's complete different deal.

Anjali signed... Shyam give an encouraging tap on her shoulder..

Anjali want arnav to be with Akash s side ,if Arnav gives his vote on confidence then nobody can stop this marriage.. especially mami,she will voluntary give up her sky rocketing ambition.

Only Arnav can save akash.. that's why she asked him to accompany them.. but looks like it backfired.

" I'll make a new cup of tea..."

Payal said again and rushed towards kitchen. She can vouch Arnav Singh Raizada was looking for a defect in Gupta's, now he got one reason. but she won't back down..she will protect akashs trust in her.

Madumatis and Garimas perplexed stance answered devayani Raizada..

"Arnav doesn't like sugared tea..."

Naniji explained...Shashis eyes caught again in Arnavs posture...

Arnav had remarkable familiarity with Arjun Malik. Arnavs father...does he also carries the diabetics genes from his infamous father.. because Arjun Malik were a diabetic patient, at his younger age itself , that was a known secret of Raizada son in law.

Opening door silently sneaking into living room was her plan, and getting a glance of her shy brother in law was her only agenda.

Because there was a chao in living room.. however if she won't go there or addressing Raizadas z it will be very disappointing, Raizadas maybe new guests to Gupta house, but she'd know them. Once they were her employers.

Just because of devil Raizada she cannot disrespect them.

Kushi sneaked in... they are cordially talking eachother.

She smothered a yawn.. ofcourse she's tired... she just needs a comfy bed...and a nice sleep... after long two months , she's home.. exams postponed to next week so it gave a quick chance to visit home.

How unlucky...!!

At the same time Raizadas decided to show up, their timing contradicted with hers.

But looks like Raizada family is comfortable enjoying Gupta's hospitality.

seriously they are chit chatting...!!

The great ASR is mingling with family matters...?

did she miss anything.. Khushi smothered another yawn.. knowing very well that,she's not going to get any rest so soon she stepped towards them.

Nani was the first one who spot Khushi, she's wearing a pink sweatshirt and loose pants..her new hairstyle clearly shows the new Khushi...a perfect college girl aura.

Should I appreciate her..or guard my views ...?

old lady confused, tasting a small portion of jalebi she again looked back at Khushi.

"How are you Khushi....?"

Khushi stood behind her buajis chair. she did not want to spoil their jovial mood, but when she's in home and not meeting Raizada would be an insult to her family..so she's here to meet great Raizada family..

In a noble.. and civilized way..!!!

"I'm fine naniji..."

"How is you..."

In all formal way she answered cool, that warm chirpy kushiness is missing in her behaviour.. Anjali could sense it from afar... Khushi is distant..she's not their old Khushi ji.. maybe because of her new changes..she looks exhausted..may be because of exams.

"You forget us.. don't you..?. you no longer visits us...that's sad ..."

Naniji want to hear more of Khushi's sound... and she's all mono syllabic and all formal in talking.

"It's nothing naniji i got busy with studies... and I'm staying in college hostal.. and i no longer knows...if you still remember me or not...."

She said in neutral tone...Nanis eyes stays with Anjali for a split second. They know why Khushi is hesitant, because of Arnav,Arnavs scary attitude towards her..!!

"You are always welcome daughter... you should visit us ,at least for this old lady...."

"Sure...why not..."

Khushi smiled genuinely..

Manorama huffed slightly..she want a sudden exit from this heating box called Gupta home.while others having chit chatting she's suffocating here.


Arnav got a new cup of suger free tea..

He secretly watch Shashi Gupta, and Khushi Gupta, she's talking with his grandmother, she's avoiding his eyes, she thinks she's smart..!! She warned him to stay away from her life, now how she's going to stay away from Raizadas...?
They had stayed away for almost two years they kept distance ...!!!
From now on no hide out..no staying away Miss Gupta.

This time Arnav smirked inwardly,
drinking their tea all of them are seemingly in good mood, Actually while drinking his tea Arnav secretly engaged to watch father and daughter duo, closely..and Khushi's interaction with naniji attracts Shashi Gupta's attention,he is a good host,who carries certain amount of honour.

Shashi Gupta has some special feelings for Khushi.. Arnav concludes, that Khushi is special to him.. that's clear from shashi Gupta's facial expressions.

He had a special affection for Khushi.


An old memory washed over Arnav,he remembered Khushi telling.. that she is being an orphan and all.

pointedly looking at Gupta family head, the moment his brain touched the subject, Arnav decided there and then that he needs to dig more about this Gupta family.

Now on, it's going to be official between Gupta's and Raizada s so he needs every single details about this family... including Khushi Gupta...or especially about Khushi Gupta s real family....!!!

Arnav made a quick decision...!!!


Happy reading ❤️❤️❤️

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