A Hollow Doll (Bakura x Doll! Reader)

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First one-shot request! Thanks @EvelynIshtar17 for this really cute request!

Go check out their book.

Bakura's POV
I never wanted to feel this way, my heart beating so loudly I can't hear my own thoughts, my dry eyes filled with tears. I'm not meant to feel this way, I try to cover it up with my sinister ways, but all I do when I'm alone is cry, cry, cry. Everything was taken away from me, everything that meant something to me anyway. That's why I'm here now, adding the last bit of machinery to my creation, just a hollow doll, whom I called '18299' or 'Y/N'.

I added the last piece of machinery, my Millennium ring.

I watched in anticipation as the figure I created with wood and paint came to life. One foot after the other, one step then to another, the doll slowly walked over to me, empty and lifeless. "I-it worked...It worked!" I stared at the doll with much joy and interest. "You're really alive"...
I was over the moon, all these years of pointless fighting and duels, I created the one thing I wanted, a Family. With this doll, I could make more and more dolls, I could have a complete family....but....they would be completely emotionless. I was so deep in my thoughts, I didn't realise the doll trying to tell me something....they were waving their hands about in front of me trying to get my attention. "O-oh I'm sorry Y/N" The doll just looked at me...her hazel brown eyes were staring into my soul like razor sharp knives cutting deep into my flesh, the doll was creepy even for me but her dark brown hair somehow comforted me. Anyway, I noticed the paint was coming off, so I went to get a bucket. When I came back, Y/N was gone! "God damn!" I yelled and dropped the bucket of paint at my feet, where could she have gone?! I ran from my lair into every room, except the basement which was where I kept all my family photos and momentous. I ran down the stairs and switched on the light. I felt relieved as I saw Y/N standing there, looking at my photos. I slowly looked up at what she was looking at, it was my mother. I don't like this room, it makes me too sad. I looked over at Y/N and told her "Y/N come back-" "I sensed great loss and sadness in this room.." Somehow...she spoke? Somehow she started to sense things? When did that happen? I walked over to her lifeless hollow body and looked at her. She continued to stare at the photo probably in deep thought. "Y/N, did you say something?" It took her a minute to respond "I can't feel it, but I sense sadness and anger and frustration, coming from that photo" She pointed weakly at the frame and somehow, smiled. "But I can also sense relief and pity" I was confused on that last one, but...it was exactly what I felt when I looked at the photo. I slowly took her hand in mine and I told her, "come on, I think it's Time to get you some paint" She stood there..and then she hugged me. She hugged me! "G-gah, what are you doing?" "The woman in that photo, I can tell she used to do this too, and you craved for one" I hesitated, but then wrapped my arms around hers, even if they were wooden, I felt so much at home. I then started to cry..and cry a little more...then I heard music coming from her source. It was the song my mother used to play for me when I was asleep called 'Nami Nami'. That song was all I had left to remember my mother by, and now I can finally hear it again from a quite possibly magical talking doll that I created! As she got to the end of her song, I whispered slowly under my breath.."mom.." Even when the song stopped, I was still attached to Y/N and she pat me on the back. "I sense all the sadness and sorrow has left the room." She said that and I smiled..."thank you"... I let go of her and took her hand. "Let's go through all these boxes, I'm sure my mother had some old clothes you could wear." She slowly sat down and looked at all the boxes, and put her hand on my mothers Egyptian wedding dress, I smiled and handed it to her. "Y/N, I think we're gonna get along just fine" She slowly turned her face into what she calls 'a smile' and said "I can't think, but ok".

Bonus Ending

I kissed Y/N on the cheek ever so slightly and held her close, she put her head on my shoulder making me shiver a little, her wooden fingers on my hand. She was smiling, suddenly she started to glow! The millennium ring inside her was reacting to her emotions. She suddenly turned into a more realistic looking doll. When I touched her, she felt warm...she looked up at me, and moved like a real human..she gasped and looked at herself "NO FUCKING WA-"

~ cedits roll in ~

Hello! I hope you enjoyed that little short one-shot! I'm not the best at writing these but I enjoy them a lot. More requests coming soon! ~~~~~~~Syder~~~~

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