"my cousins. they're here to take me home. i don't exactly leave tokyo on good terms." saya looked down to her hand and reyna's squeezing it. "we'll stop them." marcus was being too unrealistic about the situation. the pounding on the door did not stop, vicktor and petra did not stop bleeding either. the students had to make a plan, and make it fast.

"i've watched the kamigas massacre an entire triad gang with their bare hands." saya wanted to get through marcus' mind there was no beating her cousins. "that's just beautiful. you act like you're some big hero. always judging everyone. she wants to go back to her crazy kung fu family, let her." chico was not going to die over saya. "you think we just walk away? they want her alive! and the rest of us?" marcus made the point that the students were soon to be another massacre added to saya's cousin's belts.

"this is some bullshit! puta madre, cabron!" chico cursed as he slammed his fist of the book shelf before storming away from the others. "god damn kuroki bitch!" chico was destroying everything, the girl he despised the most was going to be the reason he died. that left the trio standing, trying to think of some other outcome.

"so what am i supposed to do? wait for them to die?" saya looked to marcus and reyna for answers but neither could come up with one. the room fell silent. "vicktor is losing a lot of blood." saya announced to everyone as she watched a pool form around him. marcus nodded trying to look for a fit aid kit, only to do another spin.

"what?" saya noticed his looking, reyna turned to him too. "where the hell's chico?" marcus noticed how he didn't hear cursing anymore. the trio walked to where chico was last heard and found an open vent. "that puta." they crouched down looking into the reasonable size vents. saya didn't hesitate to be the first to climb in the vent. it was junk as they got through the other side. both girls getting out first, marcus following after them.

"i'm gonna flay that badstard." saya commented, but marcus looked to reyna. he knew that chico wouldn't leave reyna with a huge possibility of getting killed, chico had something up his sleeve. the trio turned the corner seeing chico standing inside of a gate with the door open. "chico!" marcus called out and soon enough all three of them were running only for chico to slam the gate shut.

"god damn it! don't do this." marcus hit his fist on the gate once they reached it. chico looked to saya. "enjoy the family reunion." he wasn't going to let saya in, marcus would be lucky if chico spared him. he looked down to reyna. she was his responsibility, they shared a past that he wish he could run off somewhere and relive the memories. he looked to her, like it was the last time he was going to see her. the all bright red outfit she wore, how her bare stomach showed with a smear of blood on it. how her jacket hung loose from her shoulders, her big flow red pants and spooky's old nike's that were on her feet. her straight, raven hair looking ruffled after the battle they faced.

"miel." chico looked to her, reyna looked to him. "you're welcome to come, once these two leave. or you can stay over there and most likely get slaughtered." chico thought the choice would be easy. life or death. reyna had something to lose: her brother. would she really risk that? reyna looked over to marcus and saya who were already looking to her.

"tell my brother i love him." reyna swallowed, chico sighed looking to the girl. taking off the bracelet that was around his wrist, reaching through the gate he gave it to her. reyna took it looking to him. "you're a big girl, don't die." the was the last thing chico said before backing away. reyna was the first one to turn around from the gate walking down the hall, saya and marcus following behind her.

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