Chapter 2 - My Fake Boyfriend

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I walked to my Mac book. I had a long journey ahead of me if I wanted everyone at school to believe

I had a boyfriend. I had to work hard. I found this really cute boy on tumblr. He has a lot of pictures so I can

Update his Facebook everyday. This is so going to be easy. I set up his whole facebook. I added everyone one of my 1,567 friends. That should do it. I had put a nice amount of photos on his album. Also did some

Digital editing to make it seem like I was in 2 of his photos. They looked great. Only a microscope

Would pick up the trace. Everything was going well. Until. I got a message. "DING" one notification

Over the message button. I gulped. Here goes. I clicked on the button.... Guess who it was!

That's right, Veronica. (messages below)

Veronica FB-

Veronica: hi. I hear your Sophia boyfriend? Am I right... Or do you have no clue what I'm talking about.

Me: yea, that's right. Who are???

Veronica- oh just one of her best friends...

(ughhh. What a liar)

Veronica- well anyways. When did you guys meet.

Me: we met at a gas station. I offered to pay for her gas and it went on from there

Veronica- oh what a drag.... Your really cute though

Me: thanks

Veronica- what so you think about me?? ;)

Me: oh um your nice......

Veronica- no babe come on.... Let's meet up. No one has to know

Me: I thought you had a BF

Veronica- actually I have 3. But don't tell anyone

Me: ok. Lips sealed. So how was your day...

Veronica- fantastic. Now how about that meet up. I'm way hotter than Sophia

Me: actually no... Your not.. You may be hott, but Sophia is beautiful. I can't say the same for you.

(can't wait to see her reaction)

Veronica- um excuse me....!!! I happen to be very beautiful. I don't need some hang over to tell me...

Me: but I never told you.

Veronica- WHATEVER!!! You go hang with that whore you call a gurl friend. Ta ta

Me: alright bye.

Veronica- aren't you going to fight back.


Just ending the convo like this will totally piss her off in the morning. I closed down my computer I had just gotten done talking with a few of my friends. I hope I sound like the perfect boyfriend.

This is perfect. A long distant relationship. Now no one will ask to meet him. But what about phone #..

Ehh. I'll think of something in the morning it's already 11:03 pm. I put in my pjs and head to bed.

What a perfect day. I doze off... ......



"baby." nick says with heart

"yes" I smile

"why did you do this," he seemed sad, "something will go wrong."

My FAKE BoyfriendOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora