Chapter eleven

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Hi guyys, thank you for all of the reads. I dont know how many people have read this 'cause i cant remember :/ but thank you sososo much! <3

Oh and btw it was February when Michael and Lauren started dating, so Ashtons baby is going to be born in November :)


*8 Months Later*

Mia's POV

Me and Morgan was at a little costume shop looking for outfits for a halloween house party in a couple of days. I was looking through the clothing rack, trying to find something i liked but it was no use.

"I cant find anything!" i huffed, Morgan chuckled and picked something up.

"What about this?" she said, holding up a costume that said 'sexy vampire costume' on the packaging.

"Oh yeah, i'll just go ahead and get my fangs out as well." i said sarcastically, she laughed and dropped the outfit in my hands.

"Well i found you an outfit, you can find mine." she said smiling, i nodded and looked through the clothes rack again. I spotted a Minnie Mouse outfit that had a dress and ears, i picked it up and read the label.

"What about this?" i said smirking, she looked up and grinned.


"Really?" my mouth dropped.

"Yep." she said, popping the 'p'.

"Can you read the label or no? It says 'tight fitting and short'." i asked.

"I like it and plus you have a tight fitting and short dress too." she said, i groaned and looked at the label on my dress and finding out she was right.

"Fine." i sighed, she started laughing and i joined in. After our little laughing fit we went to the cashier and paid for our outfits along with some yellow high-heels for Morgan and some black high-heels for me.

Ashtons POV

Me and Freya were sat in our living room in our new flat watching Pursuit Of Happiness. We moved into the flat because we thought it would be good for the baby to have its own room and a room for us, plus we have more space.

"Im going to get some more popcorn." Freya said waddling out holding her big baby bump. I carried on watching the film and didnt bother helping because i knew she would be stubborn with me and say 'i can do it, i have legs ya know' she usually says that.

"Aahhh shit!" i heard her shout from the kitchen. I jumped up from my seat and ran to the kitchen, to see Freya leaning on the kitchen counter panting fast.

"Shit the baby." i mumbled and helped her through the flat, when we got to the door i picked up the bag we had packed just in case and walked out the door.

We were walking along the pavement and Freya randomly stopped with wide eyes.

"C'mon babe, we have to get to the hospital." i said.

"My water just broke."she said in disbelief, i looked down and saw a massive wet patch surrounding her, "she's got another 3 weeks, she can't come out yet."

"It's going to be fine, babe. We really need to get in the car." i said, she waddled over to me and grabbed onto my arm. We walked to the car and i helped Freya in, i ran to the other side and got in myself.

Mia's POV

Me and Morgan was sat in Maccas talking about random things that popped into our heads. My phone started buzzing like crazy so i answered.


"Hi, its Ashton."

"Oh hey Ash, whats up?"

"Freya's having the baby."

"Oh shit, im coming now. Hold on."

*End of call*

I picked up all our stuff and ran to the car with Morgan jogging behind me. Once i chucked everything in the boot, i got in and started the car. Morgan hopped in a few seconds after and i drove off in the direction of the hospital.

We parked and paid for our space and ran to the entrance. We fast walked to the baby area and saw my family and Freya's pacing backwards and forwards.

"Mia." my mum breathed out "Freya started shouting that she wanted you in with her."

"Am i alowed to go in then?" i asked.

"Yeah, you have to wear this though." she said, picking up a green apron thing, a mask and a hair net. I chucked all of it on and walked into the room. I saw Freya led on a bed pushing, a nurse helping down below and Ashton looking like he was about to faint.

I tapped Ashton on the shoulder and moved him out the way, he looked relieved. I held onto Freya's hand and squeezed it a little to encourage her.


Freya was finally finished giving birth, it was a beautiful baby girl. They called it Isla Marie Irwin, Isla is a weird name but it suits her. (A/N its pronounced 'I - La' btw).

We were sat in Freya's hospital room taking turns holding Isla. Michael, Luke and Calum were very loud and full of excitement.

"We should have a baby." Michael whsipered in my ear, making shivers go down my spine. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"Or nah." i teased, he laughed and kissed my neck and moved his arms away. It was my turn to hold the baby, Ashton passed me her carefully.

"Hello Isla-marie." i said smiling. My phone started ringing so i passed her to the next person and answered.


*no answer*


"Don't get too happy with your life."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me"

*End of call*

I looked at my phone in disbelief, who the hell was that? My phone flashed and my screen turned on. There was a message from the same number.

'From: unkown

Time to die Irwin.'

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