The city of love

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*Josie's pov*
"Wait, who are you" Hope said looking at me with confusion in her eyes. All of her family members who rushed in the room when they heard me scream were as shook as I was. "You don't know who I am?" I asked her. "No. And what's that ring on my finger?" Hope asked looking at her left hand. I looked at the Mikaelsons who were just standing in silence looking at each other.

Tears started streaming down my cheeks. I got up to leave. I couldn't handle the situation anymore. "Wait!" Hope shouted to hold me back. "I was joking!" She said taking my hand.

She was joking? She was... joking! "That's not funny" I said pushing her away. All the Mikaelsons first looked surprised, and then they started laughing. "I'm sorry!" She said hugging me. "But you have to admit I played well" she said pulling away to look at me. She had the biggest smile on her face. "We're going to leave you two" Marcel said.

At first I was mad at her, but I eventually started laughing too. "Don't ever do this to me again!" I said pulling her closer for another hug. "You're so stupid!" I said pushing her away again. "I could have never deal with another amnesia!" I said getting mad at her again. "I love you Josie. I will always remember my amazing wife. I heard what you said. I heard it all. I'm never going to leave you. I'm want and I'm going to grow old with you." She said. "I hate you for always saying the right things" I said looking down. "No you don't hate me" she said stepping closer to me.

"You're right" I whispered. She grabbed my face and kissed me. Alaric opened the door and interrupted else. "Is Hope-" he started. "Okay.." he finished. "You can say that" I laughed breaking up our kiss. "Sorry to disturb you two, but you have to leave for Paris in a couple hours" Alaric said.

The time went by so fast that it was already time to leave Spain for the last week of out honeymoon.

We drove to the airport and went through security. My family and Hope's were going to stay here for 2 days before going back.


The flight was quick considering France is so close to Spain. "Baby wake up" I whispered gently shaking Hope's shoulders. "I'm awake I'm awake" she mumbled.

When we got out of the plane, someone was waiting for us with a sign. "Hope and Josie Mikaelson" I read the sign. "Welcome ladies, I'm the one who's going to drive you to your villa" the girl introduced herself. On her badge, we could read her name 'Marie-Louise".

We left for the villa we ranted and the landscape was breathtaking. I was so excited to spend a whole week, alone, with my wife. Hopefully we wouldn't get into any more trouble.

Hello guys. I'm sorry the chapter is short and simple. I feel very uninspired and I'm really going to try to make a longer one for the rest of their honeymoon. No more 'amnesia' I promise :) If you have any requests, feel free to comment them or message me.

Also, if any of you guys watched the 100 and shipped clexa, I'm currently writing 2 fanficss about their beautiful love story. The reason I didn't upload in so long is because I was putting my whole mind on the other one. A 11k words chapter is long to make so. However, I hope you enjoyed this short chapter :P

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