The lonely girl

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*Josie's pov*
Like I was saying earlier, 3 months ago I had to go back to school. My mom recruited a ton of new people: some werewolves, maybe 20 vampires and a small amount of witches. My dad asked me and my sister Lizzie to welcome the new students. We were done touring the school with the groups when I noticed that one girl was sitting next to a tree alone. I watched her for a little while trying to figure her out. She seemed really distracted and almost sad. After some times, I went to talk to her. "Hi! I'm josie" I said to introduce myself. She turned around to look at me. That's when I saw her face for the first time. She was so beautiful. When she looked into my eyes I felt like my soul was melting. She took my breath away. Her little smile and eyes, wow! They're as blue as the sky. But the thing that caught my attention is that in her eyes we could see how broken she was. "Hi?" she said surprised that someone was talking to her. "I noticed that you weren't with any groups during the visit." I asked with a little smile. "Hmm yeah. I talked with the headmaster and he used to know my parents. We have a special arrangement." she told me without even smiling back. "A special arrangement? The headmaster is actually my dad. Why didn't you visit the school with the group?" I asked.
"I'm more like a lone wolf." she told me. "Oh so you're a werewolf." I said. "Not exactly..." she said hesitant. "A vampire or a witch?" I asked thinking that she was probably a witch because I didn't saw any day light ring or necklace on her. "I'm a tribrid... a werewolf, a vampire and a witch." she said already expecting my reaction. "How is that even possible?" I asked shocked. She didn't answer anything and I felt like I crossed the line. "I'm sorry I ask way too many questions. I'm just nervous to be around..." I said nervously without finishing my sentence. "Around what?" she asked with one of her eyebrows lifted. "Nevermind..." I said embarrassed without even noticing I was blushing.
We both stayed in silence for an awkward amount of time. "I have to go. It was nice talking to you. I'm Hope by the way." she said as she got up and walked away. My heart was beating so fast. I had so many questions. Who is she? I had to ask my dad about her.

*later that day*

I went to my dad's office. I had to talk to him. I knocked on the door at least 20 times before he opened. "What do you w-" he said angrily before he noticed it was me. "What are you doing here baby?" he asked as he slowly became more calm. "Hi dad, I need to talk to you" I exclaimed as I walked in his office. "About what?" he asked confused. "There's this girl I talked to today. She told me she has an arrangement with you and I was wondering who is she and what's the arrangement?" I asked him while looking at him intensely waiting for an answer. "You're probably talking about Hope. I met her dad a long time ago and the arrangement is that if a monster attack the school, she will help me fight it and in return, she can stay alone and not take part of the group activities." he said. "She told me she's a tribrid, so in which group will she belongs to?" I asked him hoping that my dad was going to say that she's going to be in the witch group. "In the witch group..." he said when he understood what I was thinking about. I couldn't help smiling because it meant that I would see her almost every day. "Josie, it's been nearly 3 months since Penelope Park broke up with you. You were sad and depressed. I don't know if you're ready to be around someone like Hope." my dad said with his dad look on. "Thank you daddy, but I don't want to talk about my relationships with my dad." I said quickly before leaving his office. I had so many questions about Hope. What did my dad insinuated when he told me I wasn't ready to be around someone like her? I had to talk to her again. My head was telling me to stay away from her but my whole body wanted to see her again. Tomorrow, I was going to talk to her.

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