ii. occurrens tibi

Start from the beginning

Philippe Ashford had weathered features and deep set lines on his face. Additionally, there seemed to be a perpetual furrow on his brows. But it was his presence—the way he held himself that got her attention. He was the type of person who naturally commanded everyone's respect even if you didn't.

Her father didn't even have that quality, she thought snidely.

Her gaze drifted to him, the man she was to marry. Victor Ashford.

Slowly, she took in the perfect dark waves of his hair that was neatly slicked back, the sharp points of his face, angular cheekbones, an aristocratic nose and most importantly, those cold blue eyes.

Despite resenting the man a tad bit for the predicament she's in, Jenessa can't help but admire the fine cut of his suit. She'd known how to spot custom tailor made clothing from a young age and well, Victor Ashford definitely scored high on that point.

The dark navy suit highlighted his broad shoulders, his tapered waist, powerful-looking thighs that made his trousers strain with every step he took and made his already pale skin even lighter.

She sucked in an inaudible gulp of air and decided that it was best for her to fix her eyes on a particular bookshelf behind her father's head.

"Edward!" The older Ashford greeted loudly. "It's been a long time."

Her father smiled broadly. "It has, hasn't it? How have you been?"

"Good. More than good, actually!" Philippe grinned before he gestured to his son. "Enough with the pleasantries, let's get down to business."

Even though she was focusing her gaze on the same bookshelf, Jenessa was very aware of a pair of eyes boring into the side of her face.


She wasn't going to give into pressure to turn and look at him.

"This is my eldest son, Victor."

This time, she did shift her body to the right just a little so she could look at him from the corner of her eyes.

"It's very good of you to let me have your daughter's hand in marriage, Sir," Ashford said smoothly and she wanted to grimace or snort disbelievingly.

"No, no! Jenessa is of age and she ought to have been married a long time ago-"

What was she, a broodmare? She gritted her teeth.

"-but seeing how things are played out today, it is very fortunate that she's still available."

Oh, how she wished she could object loudly and stalk out of the room in a huff. But no, she had to think of Lyra.

"Yes, yes, very true. Victor was given a list of eligible women here in England and it seems he's taken a liking to Jenessa."

At that, she stole another glance at Ashford to see a sullen and furious expression flash across his face for the barest of moments before his impassive countenance fell back into place.

She bit her lip and glanced away.

"This is my eldest daughter, Jenessa."

Knowing better to ignore her father's introduction and the underlying threat in his words, she turned and offered a small smile and a curtsey. "It is a pleasure to meet you," she murmured, eyes drifting up to meet the Ashfords.

Philippe was nodding and smiling approvingly but Victor, on the other hand, was simply staring at her without a single expression on his face.

She fought the urge to fiddle with the lacy hem of her sleeves.

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