Chapter Five

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Chapter Five | Illness
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Light shone down upon the hazel haired girl, burning into her skin with a searing intensity. Her eyes, like a glowing sky, reflected the destruction, keeping it at bay, forming an untouchable circle around her, free entirely from the haphazard inferno which howled with wild ferocity.

Untamed curls piled atop her fair face, lips like tiny rosebuds, parted in a cry as one whip of heat speared for her.

Then everything froze. The lick of burning power that encased her in tantalizing layers, sweeping over her in a magnificent arc, halted in its journey, forming a door.

And thus the screams began.


Leo blinked, his eyes darting around. Not for the first time, his heart began its uneven routine. Its beat spiked as he gazed upon the sun kissed grounds swathed in the sky's blessing outside, the laughter of his fellow rebels floated up to him, creating a pleasant peal. 

Of course, the vision had been purely hypothetical, he himself not being present at the time of their demise. All that remained at their home had been a pile of ash and the soft whisper of death.

Yet he'd known, even then. A chilling, bone-deep feeling that they were gone. 

His mother, who'd told him stories, raised him to be who he was. His sister, of whose smile few could compare.

His sister...

The young girl had always been a precious treasure, a lovely flower they strove to protect. The way her eyes sparkled when she was inspired, the way they crinkled as she laughed, her voice rhythmic and melodious.

Even then, they had known she would have a powerful voice. One that could bring the world to its knees if she wished.

Up until recently, he had never dreamed of her. Not once did ever see her face since the last time they met. His night sights had always been particularly varied. Had always been about something new every night.

But ever since he woke up four months prior, all his visions had been concentrated on that particular memory, enough that his heart split open every time he closed his eyes, saw the pain etched onto her face as she met her doom.

As if these visions were trying to send a message.

His heartbeat stumbled.

It was a fool's hope. That small kernel of possibility that she survived. After all...

He had yet to see a body.

But it happened over eight years ago. Possibly nine. He couldn't, wouldn't bring himself to look for them, to go asking for any shred of proof that they still breathed.

It was a cowardly choice, yes. Once they found a body, once they uncovered evidence-concrete confirmation that the two of them were dead-that's when his family truly stopped living. That's when the ache in his chest would crush him wholly.

But as it was, as long as he never saw a body, they could still be alive. And he couldn't bring himself to let go of that hope.

He might have stood still for a minute, an hour, or a fleeting second that somehow lasted an eternity. Unconsciously, his fingers drifted to the pendant around his neck.

And for the first time, it hummed to life, turning warm beneath his palm.


"Can you stop?" Thalia snapped, turning around to give her twin a glower. There was the barest hint of bags beneath her eyes, annoyance drifting off her in rivulets.

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