"In most cases, it's obvious if they're a fan of mine or his. They're polite either way. I'll stand to the side or sometimes he will. He offers to take the pictures a lot, which I find both funny and adorable."

"My ever polite bub. Gemma will learn one day." Anne teases.

"Harry is also a pain in the ass! He got mad at me over the dumbest thing and told mum that I was a drug dealer! I swear, when he doesn't get his way—"

"He turns into a big drama queen. I hear ya, sista!" I high five Gemma.

"He's my little baby!" Anne defends.

"He's a brat!" Gemma and I cackle together.

"I love him to absolute pieces, though. I know I can be a nightmare and he takes good care of me. You raised him right, Anne. Well, we can skip over that 'Gemma is a drug dealer' fiasco." I giggle when Gemma swats me with a towel.

Anne reaches over and puts her hands over mine.

"He needs you as much you need him. Never forget that."

I smile softly at her words. I know it's true, but it's even more validating when the person who knows him the best also sees this. The people who really know us know that what we have is genuine and passionate. The media and the world can make whatever assumption they want about us. Anyone who asks me, the answer is fucking simple.

I love him.

I was quiet at lunch while Harry and his family chatted. Being an introvert has made me seem stand offish throughout my career. I'm more of an observer and not someone who carries a conversation with a group of people. A lot of bullshit has been made up about me simply because I'm quiet or shy when offstage. I could, however, talk with Harry for hours about anything.

He has learned my body language. My silence isn't necessarily a bad thing. It amuses me when he tries to be quiet along with me, as if trying to take in his surroundings like I do. Our silent musings with each other have and always will be one of my favorite things about us.

His little touches speak volumes. I'm holding my espresso in one hand while watching the bustling traffic outside the window of this quaint café that Anne had picked out. I turn my head to look at Harry who is tracing random patterns onto my open palm that is face up on his thigh. It soothes me more than the full body massage I had received earlier at the spa.

It's such a small gesture of affection, but I never realized how much I needed this until I met him. My sensitive soul needs him in every capacity that he'll allow me to have. I tease him for staring at me, yet here I am gawking at him.

He loves it, though.

My face is free of any makeup since it was removed before my facial. He catches me staring with a grin. His fingers dance across my face teasingly because he can see my freckles. I'm self conscious of my natural face; I suppose most girls are.

"My pretty angel." Harry whispers and kisses me in front of the fans and paparazzi peering in at us through the window—in front of the world, really.

"There are people watching. I feel like Kate and William when they just got married." I snicker into his hand that is sweetly holding my face.

"I should be able to kiss you whenever I want. I quite like it. I might do it again." He kisses my forehead. "I want them to start writing about how much I love you. I want them to know, Nikki."

I'm taken aback by the hurt in his eyes. He can't stand the backlash over our relationship. We don't talk about it because it's obviously bullshit. Haters are bored assholes and the media will say anything to plant a seed of doubt.

The Sound of Silence 2 // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now