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We had just finished sorting out bedrooms, and as we left Lachlan apologised and said he'd be catching up with the guys.

I wandered downstairs before I heard a breakout of laughter coming from what appears to be the backyard. I looked out through the glass window, Lachlan turned to me and smiled before continuing with his game.

"Hey, you're Stella. I'm Katie, Jason's girlfriend." A pretty brunette walked up.

"That's me. Nice to meet you." I replied kindly.

"You don't sound Australian... Let me introduce the others, they're in the lounge room." She grabbed my hand enthusiastically, and dragged me to a room full of girls.

"Ok. So that's Ginger." A girl about my age with long dark brown hair smiled. "That's Ashley or Poofy, and next to her, that's her girlfriend Hayli." A poofy haired teen and another girl with black hair waved." Hope, she's gingers sister." Her hair colour was blonde, but it was barely visible because of the hoodie she was wearing. She had a small Australian Shepard on her lap. "And that's-" Katie was cut off.

"I don't like her. She's too girly to be with a you-tuber. Her hair is perfectly straight, her clothes are too shiny and have you taken a look at those heels? She isn't what I'd picture as Lachlan's type!" A tomboy at the end of the room commented.

"Kenny!" Katie finished, but didn't actually intend to.

"No, it's fine, I agree." I stated " I bet I can tell exactly why you don't like me, it's got nothing to do with what I'm wearing."

"Okay, try me." She stood up and folded her arms.

"Not too long ago, about five years, your parents divorced, and that made you pretty sad. Then your boyfriend, dumped you, and or cheated on you. That led to depression. Now your mother is dating an alcoholic, he abuses her-and you- in more ways than one. You live here with your friends and you don't like anyone who reminds you of your old self. Correct?" She just stared.

"No." She finally replied and ran off.

"Wow, how'd you know that?" Hope asked shocked.

"She was my best friend." I stated. "She just doent want it to be true."

"Wow, who else do you know here?" A male voice asked from behind, Lachlan's voice.

"I-"I don't think I should tell anyone about Ethan. "I only know Kennedy. I mean, I know all these guys now, but, only Kennedy from my childhood." I stated. He hugged me from behind wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head on my shoulder. I instantly felt insecure. I don't know why, but it wasn't normal.

"Hey, where's Kenny's room?" I asked, Lachlan kissed my cheek.

"Upstairs, at the end of the hall." Hayli stated.

"Thanks, I'll be back soon. " I kissed Lachlan and walked to the desired room. Without knocking, I entered to see Kennedy sitting on her bed looking through a photo album.

"Hi." I said, leaning on the doorframe." If you don't like how I dress, you could fix that, you were always the best with styling and that."

"Why would I want to help you? You don't think I was affected by you getting pregnant? Dad moved away, then Billy cheated and then you left too! I bet that Ethan doesn't even know it's you!" She yelled.

"Look, I didn't really have a choice. I had to leave. My mum and dad kicked me out, Ethan just thinks I ran off! I lived in a small apartment for 8 months of my pregnancy!" I yelled back.

"That doesn't change a thing, why didn't you just stay at Brayden's?"she asked rudely?

"He dumped me the week I told him!" I turned around in stress, only to see a group crowded at the door, completed with Lachlan, Mitch, Lachlan, Katie, Hayli, Ashley, Ginger, Hope and a few people I didn't recognise. Yet, merging through the crowd was Ethan.

"Stella?" He stood in front of Katie, but she quickly moved to see the action. I nodded hesitantly, before quietly saying "yep." He ran up to me and embraced me in a hug.

"I missed you. I really did miss you!" He cried slightly.

"Can we talk later, I need to catch up anyway." I whispered, he nodded in response yet took his time to release me.

"Can you all please just clear out?" They nodded and walked away, Lachlan looked at me questioning what he should do. I stared and smiled, and with that he quickly walked off. I closed the door and went back over to Kenny.

"Thanks! I didn't really plan for him to find out like that!"

"Fuck you! You wouldn't have told him in the first place! I did you a favour!"

"Well fuck you too! I helped you so much in high school! I bought you lunch, I took you shopping, I helped you get jobs! We used to be smart, you used to be smart. Clearly you grew out of that! You told me that party would be great, and look what happened!" I stormed out of the room and downstairs.

"Stella?" Lachlan stood up from his position on the couch.

"That's my name." I said gathering my phone and handbag.

"Wha- what are you doing?" He walked up behind me, putting on his shirt.

"Shopping. I'm going back to the old Stella, relaxed and easygoing. I am clearly not a stilettos and skirts kind of girl." I put on my sunglasses.

"Want me to come? I'd like to tag along." He pulled on his red vans and stood up.

"Yea, do me a favour and grab Ethan. " I'll be back in a minute, I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed a framed photo if me and Kennedy. I walked up to her room and at the base of her door, I smashed it. Glass spat everywhere, slightly cutting my lower legs. I walked back downstairs to meet Lachlan and Ethan, who were standing awkwardly at the door.


"Oh, I dropped a photo by accident. I didn't even realise that my legs were bleeding." I lied. "Let's just go, I have some tissues in my bag." I exited the large house and looked around. Ethan jumped in a small black sports car followed by Lachlan in passengers and me in the back.


Alrighty, so I said I wouldn't update today but I did it anyways. The won't be another chapter for another 3 weeks. I will be working on writing them,they just won't be uploaded due to personal issues ( do not even ask! I'm talking to everyone!)

That's all so later and stay awkward weirdos!


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