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We entered the building, I looked at the nurse, feeling fed up.

"Lachlan, hold Toby please." I accepted the infant and held him without taking my eyes from the woman. Stella walked me to a room, we sat down on the chairs and bed. The nurse this time was male.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Focker. ( A/N: feeling creative...) I heard that you had some trouble with the previous nurse in here. Why was that Lachlan?" I sat back into the chair,

"Because she wouldn't answer my question.

Tell me sir, would you enjoy being a patient, if your questions were ignored by a stuck up bitch (Abbey is watching you all!) of a nurse? Would you not feel as though, the accommodation and care you deserve has not been given to you?" I questioned like a total smart ass.

"Ok, I apologise on behalf of the nurse and the appropriate consequences will be dealt. Would you like me to answer any questions now?" He asked kindly. I shook my head, he said goodbye and we returned the farewell. We left the hospital, I was tired and Stella looked like that too. When we got home, I carried kiddo inside 'loky' ing and 'Daddahhh' ing. I put him on the ground with some toys and entered the kitchen, Stella was so tired she nearly chopped her fingers off.

"No no no! I am ordering a pizza! You are not cooking!" I stated, she just nodded and walked to a bedroom upstairs.

I was about to dial up dominos when I realised I didn't know what type of pizza these guys eat. I wandered up to the room Stella walked into, but the door was closed.

"Stella? What sort of pizza do you want?" I knocked, my answer being silence.

"Stella?" I slowly entered the room, finding her asleep on her bed, in a ball. Meat lovers and cheese it is. I called up and ordered. About half an hour later they were dropped off and paid for. I served up 4 pieces for myself and walked out to the living room. I sat on the floor with Toby and let him play with my food, he nibbled on a slice of the cheese as I ate the rest on my plate. I picked up Toby and walked to the sink for washing up, bringing the toddler so I could supervise his pizza eating. Stella came down just as my little man finished with what he had eaten, about 1/3 of a slice or just less. Impressive to say the least.

"Nice nap?" I asked reheating the pizza. She just moaned in agreement. I pulled out the boxes and set them on the bench.

"Dinner is served, enjoy!" I laughed.

"Yeah, I will eat pizza while you feed Toby. Thanks," she went through the pantry looking for one of the jars of paste. Eugh, gross. She pulled one out.

"No. I fed him. He's fine." I stated, before she could open a gloppy looking mixture that reminded me of vomit.

"What did you feed him?" She questioned with a nervous voice.

"Pizza?" Will I regret this, will I not?

"Pizza?" Her reply flew back at me in a slightly angrier tone.

"Pizza." I confirmed. She picked up her plate and walked off to her room. Okidoki... Maybe I should have asked her about Toby's feeding and that before I actually did. Oh well, time to record, edit, upload. I skyped Mitch and Vik for a battledome. (He found his laptop and recorded in the lounge room)

"Hey guys! How are you?"

"Hey Lachie." Vik cheered

"How are you?" Mitch smiled

"Not too bad, those guys I lived with are in police custody for assaulting a girl." I stated informatively.

"Where do you live now?" Vik questioned.

"With the girl...."

"Well if you need to stay with someone feel free to come over here. I got plenty of room." Mitch said kindly.

"Thanks guys." I smiled.

"How about some Battledome?" We asked in unison. We all laughed and called up 9 other guys for a 6v6 battledome match.

~after recording~

"thank you all so much for watching this awesome fun filled episode of Battledome. Visit all these lovely players channels located in the description. We hope you enjoyed it and if you did, slap that like button with ya forehead, take care" Mitch did his outro and we finished the video.

"Guys I have to go, I will talk later." I left the call and went to the kitchen.

"I will show you your room Lachlan." Stella explained and I followed her upstairs


So, I am very sorry for not updating yesterday. I was going to but the last prewritten chapter I had wasn't finished. I'm still taking characters for this story and Abbey is still taking people for hers. If you want to be in this one put "Lachlan"at the top of the summary, for abbeys put " escape" at the top of the summary, if you want to be in both put "both" at the top of the summary.

In abbeys story Mitch, Jerome and Jason are already in relation ships but there are other youtubers.

In Lachlan, the youtubers that are being dated are Lachlan and Mitch.


Personal traits( happy, sad, etc)

Style ( clothes and dat stuuf)

Relationship ( doesn't have to be a youtuber)

Looks like ( eyes, hair, skin tone, etc)

Other add ins ( pets, family)

Thanks for the votes and follows ( comment if I missed you!)


















Also, Abbey will be uploading "my escape"s prologue later today. I will be making her. Warning, if you are against drugs and/or sexual themes, don't read it. She is very good with gore and smut ( for better of for worse), I nearly vomited reading Chapter two.

They are really short chapters but she has a lot on her plate so time is scarce.

Luv y'all! Bai doods

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