She didn't dwell too long on the thought as the door to coachs office slammed open, pulling them out of their sexual stupor.

"What in the hell is going on here?!" Finstock yelled, watching the teenagers pull apart and he turned around, letting them put their shirts back on. "Put your clothes on and you two come to my classroom as soon as you are done!" He snapped, muttering profanities under his breath while also wondering if this was a thing that his students in his office.




The two were bright red as they sat in the desks in front of his desk, adamantly avoiding his stern gaze

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The two were bright red as they sat in the desks in front of his desk, adamantly avoiding his stern gaze. "You two..." He huffed. "I don't even know what to say because I am so--- urgh--- and in my office too! Do all of the teenagers around here use my office to--- you know what? I don't want to know." Finstock rubbed a hand over his face and exhaled, staring them down.

Imogen's gaze flickered away from the angry man to the baby doll on his desk. She repressed a shudder. She never liked dolls. Stuffed animals were cute. Dolls were not. "Uh, why do you have toy baby?" She asked curiously, hoping to shift his attention from them.

He blinked, picking it up and wrinkled his nose. "I got it for my niece but she cried when I tried to give it to her. I thought kids liked this stuff. Now I don't know what to do with it since it was on clearance." He flinched when it cried after accidentally pressing the button. "Now I see why." He eyed it warily, finding the baby creepy looking before looking back at the two in front of him. He got an idea. "Actually, since you two think it's okay to have sex on school property, this is your punishment." He put the baby on her desk.

Scott stared at him in confusion. "What?"

"I am not keeping that thing." Imogen said, frowning at the baby.

Finstock smirked, "Yes, you are. I would give you detention but that would mean that I'd have to come in early to watch you two and I really don't like the idea of coming in early. So for the rest of the semester you have to take care of this baby."

"But-" She tried to protest.

"But nothing. You two are lucky that I'm not telling the principle about you little indiscretion in my office." He reminded them, although he really couldn't afford for one of his star players to get in trouble considering they had tryouts again. "Now, I'll know if you're taking care of this-- baby because I'll be watching you guys and I'll be calling your guardians to make sure you're taking care of... the baby." He pointed to the door. "Now get your asses out of here and go to class." They immediately got up with Scott grabbing the baby as they headed out the door. "No more fornicating in school!" He called out.

Once they were down the hall, Imogen turned to her boyfriend. "I am not taking care of that creepy doll."

Scott's lips quirked upward, "Come on, I think it'll be good for us."

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