Chapter Two

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Things to know.

(y/n) = Your Name

(n/n) = Nick Name


I turned around to walk away and to my luck I noticed she wasn't following me. I let out a big sigh and continue on my hunt. 

Not too long after I noticed a rabbit. Easy prey, so I grabbed my bow and arrow so I could aim at the creature. But just when I placed the arrow on its rightful spot something beated me. I let out a soft gasp when I noticed it was the wolf from before.

She happily walked towards me with the now lifeless rabbit in mer mouth, and placed in in front of me. I just stood there, staring at the wolf before me like an idiot and she just innocently tilted her head to the right. 

I couldn't hold in a small chuckle and kneeled down to the wolf to pet her once more. "I guess you'll my hunting companion now" I said, while I scratched that spot behind her ear again. She seemed to really like this. 

I continued the hunt with my new companion by my side, as the sun shined high in the sky. It was somewhere in the middle of the day now, and I decided to return back to the village with the new trophies I hunted. 

The wolf walked back with me to the edge of the forest, and stopped her tracks while I continued. I turned around and smiled at her. "You don't have to follow me to my home, you stay here. I'll be back tomorrow" I said sweetly, as she just tilted her head again to the side. I turned back around to continue my walk when I heard some sounds from behind me. She had disappeared. "So long" I hummed, and walked back to the village.

As soon as I stepped in again I was greeted by one of my friends. "Hey (y/n)! How'd it go?" He said sweetly as he started to walk besides me. "The usual, but I made a new friend this time" I said, while I smiled at the male besides me. He was wearing his favourite sunset tank top. I swear he lives in that thing.

"A friend?" he said, confused yet curious. "Yeah, she helped me hunt. A very good girl." He seemed very confused by this and I giggled at his expression, which immediately softened when he heard the giggle. "A wolf" I just said, while I turned my gaze back to the dirt road in front of me, leading me towards the butchers shop. "A wolf?! (y/n) those animals are really dangerous! What do you mean friend?!" He exclaimed in a panicked tone, making me chuckle. "Chill down Moo, she was a sweetheart. I'm fine" He calmed down when he heard me use his nickname, and smiled sheepishly at me. "If you say so.." I just smiled in response.

We arrived at the door of the butcher and I opened the door, while Brock followed me in. "Got some fresh meat!" I hummed, and the guy behind the counter immediately looked up after hearing my voice. His smile turned wide and he greeted me in. "(n/n)!" He just said while walking towards me. "Hello" I just said back, earning yet another smile from the tall blonde in front of me.

I placed my big bag filled with the freshly hunted animals on the counter and he gladly took it, while walking to the back for a second to store the animals. Me and brock just waited patiently in silence, before he broke it. "So.. How did it happen?" I frowned and focused my eyes on Brock. "How did what happen?" I exclaimed, confused with the question. "You know, becoming friends with a wolf" he answered, and I just shrugged. "I heard something move and was about to shoot it, when I saw her. I didn't want to shoot her so I stopped, and she walked towards me and I just started petting her" I explained. Brock just listened in awe. "You did what?" A voice echoed from the back of the store, and Tyler appeared back. 

Vampires Will Never Hurt You ( H2ODelirious x Reader x Vanoss )Where stories live. Discover now