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Camryn sat behind the wheel, full of adrenaline and anticipation for the race to start. She was only 17 and winning this race could change her life forever and really give her career the start that it needed. Her palms were sweating as she waited for the lights to tell her that the race had started and it was safe to say she had never been more nervous for anything in her life. She glanced over and in the corner of her eye saw her uncles Kayden and Mike (Kayden being her dad's twin and Mike his husband) and they both gave her the thumbs up.

She was ready.

The next thing she knew the race had started, she made a good start from fifth place, her highest starting position of the season, and worked up the order throughout the race until it came to the start of the last lap where she was in second place and knew she had to make a move now, or potentially not race again for at least a year and she couldn't let that happen.

She pushed and pushed as hard as she could and towards the end, started to doubt if she could make it. At the last corner, however, she came alongside the leader and it became a full-on drag race to the line and when they crossed it what looked to be almost completely simultaneously, no one was even sure who had won!

She could hear the excited cheers of her family through the radio anyway, as second was still her highest result to date and a great achievement but she was hoping that it would be more. After all that she had been through in the past few years and all the effort that she had put into racing this season, she just felt like she deserved this to finally make up for everything.

However just as she was settling into the idea she heard what was possibly the best  6 words she'd ever heard.

"You've done it, Cam. You've won.", her dad's voice said through the radio - sounding as if he was choking back tears. This is all that they had spoken about for the last 5 years and the moment was finally here. She had seen this moment happen to so many other drivers in her time of racing, she had even witnessed many of her close friends achieving their first race wins and she was so glad that it was finally her turn.

She had the biggest smile on her face as she approached the pit lane and waited for the post-race checks. There was a knot in her stomach as they measured the height and weight of the car but to her great relief, everything was as it should be and she was able to move forward and get out of the car. 

Her eyes filled with tears as soon as she saw her family standing there. Her parents, sisters, and uncles standing there, along with the rest of the team and she couldn't run over them and embrace them all fast enough. 

The podium was everything that she ever hoped it would be. Hearing the announcement of her name, and being able to walk over there and get on the top step really was every bit as moving as it looks. She always said she wouldn't cry at this part yet as she stood there being presented with her trophy tears started streaming down her face. 

This was the proudest moment of her life.

But little did she know, as well as her family, team and the group of supporters that were gathered in front of her, someone else was watching.


Teigan had worked at the track for the last three years since she was 15, and she has always been completely captivated by Camryn.  The first time Teigan saw her was about 2 weeks after she started working there. She was at the ticket booth at the entrance the day of a big event and Camryn arrived with her dad to get tickets for the weekend and Teigan has not forgotten it since.  It was such a brief encounter but it made Teigan feel things that she had never felt before.

She couldn't stop thinking about her and she was always on her mind. She would do anything just to find out this mysterious girls name and was scared of what it meant that she had developed feelings this strong for a girl that she had never met.

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