"The only crush I have is the crushing weight of my existence...." said Mei, falling back onto Momo's bed. "....and Todoroki."

"I KNEW IT!" said Momo, standing up and dramatically pointing at her friend. Shen then sat back down and poked her friend's face. "But this is a good thing, you dingus. He obviously likes you too!"

Mei's heart sank.

"No, Momo. He can't."

"Shinomori, don't start."

"I'm not starting. I'm ending. I don't want to talk about this."

"Mei, I'm tired of this! Whatever reason you have to push everyone away needs to come out right now, or I will walk away too."

"No, please, you can't--"

"Then tell me! Tell me, Mei, because it can't possibly be that bad! And I can't stand watching you torture yourself like this!"

"I can't. I can't tell you. Or anyone."


"You'll leave. Everyone will."

"Mei, what are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere."

"You shouldn't say that. Not before you know what I have to say."

"Mei, you're scaring me..."

Mei took a deep breath and tried to push down the lump on her throat. "I told about my dad before, didn't I?"

"Yeah, once. You didn't say much, though. Only that he was a major a-hole, and you would do anything not to become like him." Momo said, pensively. "Your grandparents also often say that you look a lot like him."

"Momo, do you know how my mom died?"

"Y-your mom?" the girl replied nervously. "She got sick, didn't she?"

"Yes, but it wasn't so simple." Mei shook her head. "My father killed her."

"But... didn't she get admitted into an institution?"

"Yes, but because of what he did to her."

".... w-what did he do?"

"My father's name was Hiroji Kishimoto." Mei said, looking away. "He's been in a high security prison since I was four."

"Oh my god, Mei, I--"

"You've probably never heard of him, since my grandparents did their best to make any trace of him disappear. They didn't want anyone tracing him back to me."

Momo didn't say anything. She just stared at Mei in disbelief.

"His Quirk was known as Parasite. He could control and feed off the energy of people who loved him." Mei continued.

"What?" Momo whispered. "That's..."

"Twisted, I know. The worst part about it is that using his Quirk slowly drove the victims insane. And that's what happened to my mom." Mei tucked her hair behind her ears. "People would slowly deteriorate, and by the time they noticed anything was wrong they would already be lost."

"I- I don't know what to say." Momo's eyes filled with tears.

"Momo, the reason I keep people away is... there is a chance I have this Quirk as well."

Yaoyorozu paused and stared at her friend. Then, she lifted her arm up and smacked Mei in the back of the head.

"OW!" Mei asked, rubbing her head. "What did you do that for?"

Todoroki x OC - I'll Only Hurt YouWhere stories live. Discover now