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                      My name is Mia Taylor. I'm nine years old and i hate this place the older girls pick on me and call me names and the adults are mean they get angry at me for the slightest things. I suffer from many different eating disorders and self harm sadly but i deserve it, some days I stuff my face all day, some days i do the same but purge it after all the way to not eating at all but no one knows because I keep that to myself because I feel that is the only thing I can control in my life at this point. I didnt have a bad life with shitty parents my parents were amazing they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and died in a bank robbery. I miss my moms scent everyday and my dads huge bear hugs when he would come home from work. All that doesnt matter now i guess because im stuck in the stupid orphanage with no where to go.

-------Mia is the picture at the top hopefully you guys like the book-------

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