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Yato stepped away from the fallen goddess as her regalia swarmed, not even sparing the god a glance in their rush. Exhausted, Yato made his way back to the group of heroes convened near the entrance of the warehouse.

"Yato!" Hiyori rushed to meet him as he clambered in through the hole in the wall, helping him through the debris, "Are you alright?" she checked, seeing his numerous injuries and shredded clothes just as Bishamon came up.

"I'm fine." Yato assured her, but it was hard for her to believe him when she could see all the blood staining his clothes. The god softly called Yukine's name and the boy appeared, immediately slinging Yato's arm over his shoulder to help— complaining about the blood getting on his clothes all the while.

A few of the students also came over to lend a hand if they weren't already busy helping those left injured by the nomu but Aizawa pushed through the teenagers to talk directly to the god, "I know you're injured, but if you want to go home, the portal opened early."

Being completely honest, most of the Yato gang thought they should have seen this coming, it was like the universe had accepted the challenge of 'What else could go wrong?' by making a long chain of events that failed to stay on course. "Where?" Bishamon asked simply.

"Same place you came in."

Yato groaned while Bishamon and Hiyori frowned but now wasn't exactly the time to wonder how they planned to get through a portal in a classroom ceiling, they had to get moving.

"Principal Nezu and Hatsume Mei are waiting for you there."

They nodded gratefully to him.

"Follow me." he ordered, not wanting to let any of them out of his sight until the very moment they were out of his world (he still refused to fully trust them).

With help from his friends, Yato limped out of the warehouse just as police arrived and the four said rushed goodbyes to their newest friends. Bishamon called for Kuraha when they reached the exit and the Lion quickly became the familiar male in a flash of blinding light. There were a few hugs as they prepared to go back home, some 'thank you's, the odd tear (or river in Midoriya's case) and all too soon, they were in Aizawa's car, heading back to UA for what would be the last time.

They rushed through corridors they still hadn't managed to learn and found themselves hearing the portal before they saw it. Loud, thunderous crashes stormed through the air and wind coursed through the 1-A door when Aizawa flung it open. They pushed their way into the maelstrom with great difficulty, throwing the door closed behind them to keep from flying out. The desks had all been pushed to the sides of the classroom while Hatsume and Nezu stood at the centre with a few computers, not a hair out of place between them. Hatsume waved with a bright smile and gestured for them to join her.

Hiyori and Bishamon shared a look: joining them would be easier said than done, especially with Yato in his weakened state.

"There's no way you can get through those winds without help." Kazuma warned in Bishamon's ear.

"Any ideas?" she asked him.

Quickly, Kazuma detailed a simple idea that may or may not work but, there was nothing else. Bishamon looked over to Kuraha, making sure he was willing to give this a shot. The regalia nodded dutifully.


The Lion formed and immediately stepped out into the storm, powerful winds blowing into his side as he dug his claws deep into the classroom floor.

"Come on!" Bishamon called, quickly dragging Hiyori who grabbed Yato, who grabbed Yukine, behind her.

With all their strength, the four other-worlders fought their way into the eye of the storm, sheltered from the winds by Kuraha. Aizawa only followed them after receiving a glare from Nezu. Hatsume reached out to Bishamon, throwing caution to the wind, and yanked every one of them into the circle of tranquility. Lightning spiked, snapping a nearby table in half like a breadstick.

"You should probably get going," Hatsume suggested, eyeing the broken table with excitement.

"Feel free to come back whenever you like." Nezu told them.

"Please don't." Aizawa groaned desperately, rubbing his temples. One week of those four had been enough for a lifetime.

"We'll see," Bishamon responded, nodding to her friends and putting her arms out to help Hiyori reach up to the ceiling. The teenage girl put her arms on the goddess' shoulders as she nervously put her foot on Bishamon's hands. Hiyori took deep breaths as Bishamon counted down.


Hiyori put all her weight into Bishamon's hands and pushed off as the goddess lifted her into the air with all her strength. She flew into the portal and moment's later, the goddess had followed, riding her Lion with Yato who had called Yukine into his katana form.

As soon as they were through, the portal snapped shut behind them and Aizawa and Nezu were left in rubble with one insanely happy student who was already poring over the readings she'd got from the portals.

Sheets of paper gently swayed to the floor like snow. It was going to take a long time to clean this classroom up.

"I'll let you clean this mess, Aizawa." Nezu stated, already moving away to see what he could do about the other mess those people had left behind.

Aizawa groaned again but nodded, turning to Hatsume.

"Already going!" she said before he could say a word, looking forward to analysing everything she'd found.

The underground hero looked around the classroom, he could make his class sort it out tomorrow and then he climbed into his sleeping bag and enjoyed a well-earned nap.

Meanwhile in another dimension, Hiyori, Bishamon, Yato and Yukine has just landed on sweet, glorious land.

"Yatty!!!!" a voice screeched as a small, pink-haired goddess ran up to them. Kofuku's eyes widened as Bishamon helped Yato off her Lion, "What happened?" she squealed with concern, seeing all the blood on the the god's clothes.

"A lot." Bishamon answered.

"You got into a fight? You've only been gone fifteen minutes!" Daikoku shouted.

"Fifteen minutes? We've been gone a week!" Yato shouted back, suddenly not half as tired as he was a minute ago.

"If I may," Kazuma spoke up, "I believe the portal may be responsible for the time difference."

"The portal?" Bishamon questioned with a frown as Kofuku attacked Yato with a hug.

Kazuma opened his mouth, planning to explain.

"It's probably best you don't explain." Bishamon suddenly realised, remembering the mind-boggling explanation of how the portal worked in the first place.

"Right, my lady."

Silence echoed through the winds for a brief but beautifully peaceful moment.

"Get off me!" Yato refused to let it last long though.


'Oh hell' Yato thought, just before he started running and that was how the whole group made it home: Yato running scared, innocent Yukine dragged into the chase, Daikoku hot on their heels and Bishamon and Hiyori rolling their eyes as they kept Kofuku from using her fan in an attempt to go after them.

It had been an interesting week.

Lost SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora