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Author's Note

Hello! Welcome to Competing for the Dominant!

This is the second installment of the Dominant Series

Please read all of this before proceeding.

This story is intended for mature audiences meaning 18+ as there are explicit scenes and explicit language.

There are multiple themes such as: BDSM, MalexMale, FemalexFemale, sex, alcohol, etc.

If you aren't into all that, then I suggest you should leave.

Otherwise, please read on and enjoy!



I blew the smoke from my lungs, enjoying—and despising—the calming effect the cigarette had on me.

The back alley behind the club was dark, but the opening was brightly lit with the blue neon sign of the Muse Den.

I was getting ready to put out the cigarette when someone stopped at the entrance. It was maybe the third or fourth night I'd seen him pass and every time I only caught a small glimpse, but this time, he hugged himself against a wall, hidden by the shadows.

I flicked the cigarette to the ground and stomped on it. I started making my way towards the small figure, but another shadow shoved him against the wall and was kissing him forcibly.

I turned, feeling slightly embarrassed

It was nothing, I told myself, just a few drunken kids, probably.

"I said no. I'm not interested," I whipped around, seeing the guy push the other away.

"You don't get a say. You put yourself on these streets. You have no rights," my anger flared and I decided it was a good time to make myself known.

"And who are you to tell someone they don't have rights?" The two shadows turned to me, the smaller staring at me in horror and shock. The larger one shoved himself off the smaller one and crossed his arms at me.

"I don't remember asking for your input, so perhaps it's best if you head back to where you came from,"

"Maybe you should step away from him and leave. I would really hate to ruin that nice suit you have on,"

"Puh, you ain't worth my time," the man spat at the boy but left. I took a step towards the younger one who stumbled away and around the corner.

"Master Daniel?" I turned to see Ryan at the doorway

"Yes, Ryan?"

"There's been a situation at the bar,"

"Do not tell me someone got into another bar fight. I swear I'm going to fire the next person who fights,"

Ryan held the door open for me as I stepped back into the club. The music wasn't being played very loud but the lights weren't on, so I assumed nothing serious had happened.

As I rounded the corner, shouts came from the bar and a collective "Happy Anniversary" rang out.

The V.I.P. Dominants and the bartender subs were holding a sign that read: Happy Four Year Anniversary!

Was it May fifth already? I looked towards Ryan who had a sheepish smile and he shrugged.

"Happy Anniversary, Daniel," Ken, my right-hand man, was the first to walk up to me and shook my hand. I had to admit that four years was a long time and for a while, in the beginning, I hadn't even been sure that we would have lasted four months.

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