Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

The ride home was quiet, all besides a host of a radio show reading out the traffic report. This wasn't how today was supposed to be-- quiet and sad. Last night while Mike and I washed and packed our things for the trip to my mom's, that's when it was time for the quiet.

I couldn't believe that she was really gone. Mike said I was in shock, that I would have to accept the tears when they filled my eyes.

We turned into my drive-way, there was already a couple of cars and a pick-up truck there. I was hoping that James and Taylor wouldn't be here, and that my dad was smart enough to take them to the pool we attend every once and awhile.

I took a deep breath and Mike looked over at me, producing a small smile as he cut off the car and went to get our bags. I looked out the wind shield, seeing how the leaves were slowly turning brown with the early fall. The house looked the same, the shutters' paint hadn't started to chip yet, and all of the blinds on this side of the house were open.

Mike opened my door and took me into his arms, I felt a slight feeling of de-ja-vu, as I hugged him tightly. "I gotcha Raven. I'm here, Love." Mike's voice was soothing and gave me enough strength to push the tears back.

I closed the car door and walked up to the porch, seeing a few people I knew through the screen door to the kitchen. I felt Mike put a hand on my hip and drag me through the door into the pity-filled faces of our neighbours.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Miss."

"May she rest in peace."

"If you need anything at all, please call me."

I listened silently to the people around me give their condolences. Mike was at my side the whole time, weaving us through the small crowd of people over to my dad, who stood in his work clothes.

"Daddy!" I ran over to my biological dad and into his arms, feeling the need to be in his arms grow.

Mike came up behind me and took one of my hands, shaking my dad's hand with his free one. My parents and Mike had always gotten along.

"Hey Hun. How are you holdin' up?" My dad looked from me to Mike, and then to the door.

"Fine." One of my dad's eyebrows arched at my answer, his eyes sliding from me back to Mike, who nodded his head in resolution.

"There is something we need to talk about later, over dinner. Your brother and sister are at the pool while Susan gets their bedroom done fully." I didn't feel threatened that they were there by themselves, with all the old ladies there I knew nothing bad would happen.

I nodded my head and gripped Mike's hand. I was about to say something to my dad when someone beside us cleared his throat.

A tall guy with hazel-green eyes, and thick black hair smiled at me. There was only one person that could look like that and get away with it. "Tyler!" I got away from Mike and flung my arms around his neck. Tyler chuckled but hugged me tightly around my waist.

"Hey there beautiful. Happy to see me?" He smiled his smile; he looked different, taller maybe, and he smelled like grapes and sunshine.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you since History last semester!" Tyler's smile weakened a little bit but didn't falter much. I was probably the only one that noticed.

"Yeah. Look, I'm really sorry about your mom. I know you two didn't get along."

My smile faded, and I let Mike wrap an arm around me. "Thanks. Oh, and this is Mike. Mike, this is Tyler." The guys nodded and shook hands, serious looks came about their faces as they had a silent conversation.

An awkward silence filled the air and we realized people were beginning to leave. I kissed Mike on the cheek and went to escort people out, leaving the boys behind to talk.

I came back and saw my dad, Mike, and Tyler talking quietly. My dad had a clean pair of clothes on and he had shaved. Mike turned to me and offered me a smile, beckoning me over to them.

"Your dad and I were just thinking of inviting Tyler to dinner, you don't mind do you? I know you could use a friend." I smiled and nodded my head, smelling my dad's unique cologne from five feet away.


My dad, Tyler, Mike and I were sitting at a brightly colored table snacking on tortilla chips and goat cheese, chatting quietly.

"So Raven, what have you been up to this summer?" I looked at Tyler, who had just received what looked like a bunch of over-stuffed Quesadillas.

I smiled softly and shook my head, thanking the waitress quietly before she left, "Nothing really. It's been..." I looked over at Mike who was looking at me with a gleam in his eyes. "... dramatic. How about you?" I studied my own food, letting the spicy fumes reach my nose before digging in.

My dad and Tyler chuckled, not getting the full extent of what I had said, "It was okay. My dad took me to Spain and Portugal to see some family. I stayed there and got accustomed to the brilliant culture. And I got into sports while I was over there."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise, no wonder he looked differently. He had grown up! That was the only reason why I broke up with Tyler, because he hadn't been mature enough when we dated. "Sounds like you had a lot of fun."

Tyler nodded his head and laughed, dipping a chip in the salsa. "It was. I know how much you want to travel, so I highly recommend you visit Spain."

I nodded my head and listened to the quiet conversation that my dad and Mike had been having while Tyler and I had gotten reacquainted.

We chit-chatted here and there while we ate-- until the bill came. Mike insisted on paying our half of the bill, but my dad shrugged him off and paid it. He had tried to pay Tyler's too, but he lost that discussion.

We were walking to our cars when my dad stopped beside us, "Well then, it's settled."

"Huh?" I asked, utterly confused.

"Mike will tell you." My dad winked and pointed to Mike. I looked around the car to him, who's face held a smile that was ear to ear.

Tyler hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, telling me to keep in touch.

I looked back at Mike, who was getting into his side of the car. "Are you gonna' tell me what is going on?"

"Nope, not yet. Not until tomorrow." I shook my head and got into the car, stretching all the way to the house, I needed sleep.

Somehow, I had fallen asleep in the car and Mike had carried me inside. I kept myself awake long enough to change into some pyjamas and set up the pull-out couch. I didn't want to see my room just yet, it had too many memories.

I fell back into sleep with Mike's protective arms around me and the sound of Crickets chirping right outside one of the windows. I hadn't gotten sleep this good in a long time.

A/N~ Hope you guys like this chapter!! I hope you guys are liking the entire story! And I had to get rid of someone, but you writers out there know what I mean when I say I had too many characters in my head!! 

Mike and MeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя