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I'll use you as a warning sign.
That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind.

[not Edited]
Bonjour People,
So it's my Birthday in a couple of days so I might post a update then but it depends if I'm busy or not.
Anyways, Onto the story
Previously on 'Do You Not Believe Me?'
"All I know that her name is Arabella Romano." I stated looking at all of them. Certainly, I could tell that Stefan knew something.
"I've heard the name, Damon probably knows more about her then I do. He has a short history with her. We was a murderer. She was being hunted by every vampire hunter across the globe. Everyone wanted her dead." Stefan Said before the door blew open.
We all looked around and saw a figure in the door.
"Hello my Mini Me."
We all looked at the door which had just blown open. A person who looked exactly like me walked through the door and towards us.
"Well Hello Everyone, I'm Arabella. You must be Luna. Wow I didn't think we would look so much alike." Arabella said and she raised her hand to almost touch my face or something. I immediately slapped her hand away.
"I didn't know my Doppelgänger was a feisty one." She said laughing, she seemed to act the exact same way as Katherine, a bitch.
Arabella looked around at the other people in the room. She gazed around until her eyes stopped on Stefan.
"Stefan, long time no see. How is your brother?" Arabella smirked.
"Well ever since you left him with his humanity off, then yes, he is fine." Stefan replies sharply.
"Anyways, I wanted to meet my Doppelgänger. It seems we are not the only doppelgängers in the room. Aren't we, I'm guessing your Katerina's doppelgänger. I didn't get a name?" Arabella said looking towards Elena at the end.
"It's Elena!" Elena replied giving Arabella a sharp look.
Arabella continued to ignore the other people in the room while walking around the house like she owned it. Yes she might be under 500 years old but she is nothing compared what Elijah is. Why am I thinking about Elijah in a time like this. I can tell by the way Arabella looks at me, that she wants me dead.
"If you want to keep pestering me, I can easily tell Elijah you are here." I said sternly. Her face seemed to change to being scared but she tried to shrug it off.
"I'm not scared of him." Arabella replied stopping where she was walking crossing her arms.
"But you are scared of him. Your scared he will tell Klaus that you are alive. And that he wants to hunt you down and kill you because you betrayed him. All of his family to be exact. You don't want Klaus To..." I Said Before Stefan cut in stopping what I was saying.
"Lu don't say anything else. She's over 400 years older then you, she can kill you anytime she likes. But let's not make it today." Stefan Said. I looked towards him for a couple of seconds before I heard someone speed o out of the room. I looked back to the place Arabella was standing to see her no longer there. Sneaky.
"I need to call Elijah." I Said picking up my phone. Before I could open the app though, the phone was snatched from my hands.
"No you won't Luna. I won't have another sister more involved in all of the Vampire business. Leave it to the vampires themselves." Matt Said talking about Vicki, I do truly miss her. I never got to say goodbye.
"But, But Elijah won't hurt me. He swore it. If he wanted to harm somebody he would harm Arab..." I said before getting cut off a second time.
"Luna, he's a Vampire. One of the first to be exact. How is you now that he doesn't want to drink from you. I bet while you were with him he was complementing wether or not to drink your blood. You can't trust a Vampire, especially as you are Human. You may not be my biological sister, but you will always be my sister. And I don't want you to get hurt." Matt Said, and few tears were coming out of both our eyes. I walked towards him before enveloping him in a hug.
As we released from the hug, his and my shoulder were wet from tears.
"I'm sorry Matt, But I have to. If it's protecting you, then I will." I Said before running out of the house heading to Elijah's. Neither Stefan or Caroline decided to run after me to stop. I could hear Matts shouts in the distance. I could also hear Jeremy's. I'm not leading him on exactly but he seems to like me way more then I like him.
I ran non stop to Elijah's Apartment thing. I know that he can hurt me any time he wants but he doesn't seem to show that affect towards me. I know I sound stupid by saying this but it is true.
I got to his floor before I started to bang upon the door. I slammed my fist on the door a couple times before it swung open. Elijah seemed to look at me with Sorrow in his eyes. I felt very tired and my eyes started to drop as did my body. Before I reached the ground though, Elijah caught Be and carried me into his apartment before setting me on the bed. Soon enough, my eyes were shut and i was asleep.
Guys, I'm so so sorry for being inactive recently. I've been really busy and I had no time to update until a Sunday night at  11:20 before school😂❤️
I was having a chat with a friend earlier today and we were writing in Russian and Bulgarian. I wouldn't ask why if I was you. I don't know either😂❤️
Anyways, as I say every week, thank you for reading this chapter and I'll see you when I next upload.
Довиждане (goodbye in Bulgarian)

TVD|Do you not believe me?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora