Chapter One

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Sean and Norman walked down the boardwalk of Venice Beach with no destination in particular.

They were both relatively new to town and had met one another at a modeling shoot. They realized quickly that neither of them were your average male model. Mostly, neither of them really gave a shit, but it paid the bills and at that moment, that was all that mattered. Both Sean and Norman were mainly seeking work as an actor, but modeling was paying the bills more so. Norman had done a play here and there and Sean had done an occasional commercial. After they met at the shoot, got to know one another, they ended up moving in together to save on expenses.

They walked up and down Venice Beach and checked out the small shops and tattoo parlors that lined the boardwalk. The sun was starting to set, but that didn't mean a thing. The boardwalk was busy as ever.

“Hey, let’s check this place out,” Norman said nudging Sean to get his attention.

Sean looked up and saw that it was a vinyl record store. Knowing Norman collected vinyl, he agreed. They walked in and immediately went their separate ways to look around.

Sally and Morgan worked together in the record store and lived a few blocks away from the beach in a one bedroom apartment. Being only a year and one week apart, they were close as sisters. Once Morgan graduated from high school, they both left their home in ironically enough, Paradise, California and headed for southern California. They had no money and no place to go, but they had each other and that was enough for them. When they found a job at the record store and shortly after a decent place to live, they made Venice their home.

“Sal, Sal, did you see the two guys that just walked in?” Morgan asked walking up to her sister that was behind the counter looking at a music magazine.

Sally glanced up slightly at her sister and shook her head no popping her gum in the process.

“Seriously, girl, you need to check them out,” Morgan said through clenched teeth.

Morgan had always been the more boy crazy of the two. Sally was more shy and timid and usually waited for someone to approach her rather than the other way around.

“Mo, you say that about twenty times a day. Why is this time any different?” Sally asked and looked up annoyed.

Her breath caught in her throat when she looked past her sister and saw a guy looking through the vinyl records.  He was wearing a wife beater that showed his toned arms and long khaki shorts. His hair was a sun kissed lighter brown that was cut slightly longer, hanging halfway down his ears.

She was taken out of her thoughts when she noticed Morgan smiling and nodding in front of her.

“I told you,” she said with a large grin.

Sally immediately went back to her magazine ignoring her sister.

“Stop,” she said glancing up every now and then at the man that looked through the records.

“The blonde one is mine,” Morgan said leaning across the counter to whisper to her sister. This caused Sally to attempt to stifle a laugh and her sister joined in.

“Hey,” Sean said walking up to Norman.

Norman looked over at Sean and back at the records he was flipping through. He felt Sean nudge his shoulder, so he looked over at him again and saw Sean nod his head towards the front of the store. Norman looked up and noticed two girls by the counter. He stopped doing what he was doing when he noticed the girl behind the counter. She had long raven black hair where half of it was messily pulled back.

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