Chapter 12

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Netoria's View

I walked out of the house into the sunlight. Alinor was changed, the houses were unique and full of color. Even the plants seemed more vibrant. I walked past the new views towards the center of the city. The people were all on the ground, they were sobbing. I walked past the people towards the cities Center House. They were slowly getting up and looking at me.

"People of Alinor, hear me! I am Dovahkiin! I have destroyed the curse that lay upon thy lands, follow me towards victory! There is a great battle purging through this land that we, the people of Summerset, must win! Any able man that can hold his own in a fight, follow me!"

The crowd cheered while tears streamed down their faces.

"Dusk, Sunhold, and Alinor are ours! We march to reclaim Shimmerene!"

I walked past the people, who seemed to be so shocked they could barely stand. There must have been over 100 men who joined my force. We were starting to look like a small army now. We got the men armed and supplied within a day and were marching off North East by the morning of the second day. The march was dry and tiring, we had little supplies to go around, we ran across small skirmisher groups of Daedra and they were a little annoyance to us. We were about an hour away from Shimmerene now and I stopped the army. I turned to the men,

"Half of you, split off to the West and approach from the rear. The half following me, I want a half of you to march further East and approach from the side. The last quarter of the army following me, we approach the front headstrong."

After I finished my words the men split into their orders and were on their way. I looked at the last quarter of the army with me, this is going to be good. We approached the front and saw the front gate had at least 10 Daedra guards. This must be one of their stronger footholds on the Nation. Good, it will be ours after today. I motioned to 9 archers to come to the front line. We all notched arrows, I looked at them and nodded. I turned my head back to the Daedra Guard standing by the torch sconce, I slipped my finger off of the string and the arrow split his armor and knocked his head into the wall, he slumped down, then a barrage of arrows flew by and all of the guards dropped like flies. I motioned for the rest to march on and we got up to the front gate. I picked the lock and slowly opened it up. The night sky was illuminated by all of the lights in the city. The place was buzzing with Daedra all barking orders to the cities inhabitants. I looked back at my men, I used my hands to tell them to stay and I stood up.

"Fus Ro Dah!"

The blast of sound parted them like waves of grain in a windstorm. They all turned to me, and I pulled out my hammers, they paused and looked at eachother,


My men flooded the streets, from all directions and we started to slaughter them like Salmon in a cage. A Valkynaz jumped down from a roof and looked towards me. A group of my men ran after him, he had a whip I had never seen before. He reeled it back and lashed it forward, it illuminated a bright blue and it sliced them all in half. In the midst of the chaos, there was a moment of pause and he chuckled. I ran up to him and swung the hammers, he dodged the first hammer, the second one barely caught him and it knocked him off balance and his whip missed me. I could feel the heat coming off of it, and started to sweat. I rolled and spun while crouched, swinging them at his legs, he did a backflip and twirled his whip around and killed the an trying to get him from behind. I tried to shout but before I could he cracked the whip and sparks shot everywhere igniting anything they touched. I dodged the spark coming for me, and he advanced towards me, I couldn't gain any ground. An arrow shot from across the field and got him in the leg, he grunted loudly and pulled the arrow out, he spun around really quickly and threw the arrow, it pierced the archer and he fell off of the wall and hit the ground with a loud thump. He started after me again, and I jumped in the air and slammed the hammers into the ground, the blast of energy knocked him back, he tried the whip and it snapped inches from my face, burning my helmet. I threw my helmet off and his eyes grew wide.

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