Chapter 11

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Thallon's View

"Nothing?" I looked at the Mane.

"That is what I said. There is nothing you can do to gain our aid."

We had traveled a week and half to get here and the king refuses any aid. There has to be a way to gain favor. Then I remembered what the Khajiit were doing in Valenwood.

"What if we found the Helm of the Lion?"

As soon as I said it, there was hissing and growling from everyone in the room but the Mane, he just cocked his head and asked,

"My kin and I wonder how you know of such an artifact. Hmm. If you return here with the Helm of the Lion, then I can send aid, yes."

"Then, we shall return."

We left the castle at Torvar and looked West to Valenwood. We had to return there and recover this artifact, even though we had no idea where to search. I looked at Orgu'sky, he was holding a book,

"Not so fast there Thallon, I still have the journal from those miners in Valenwood. I found it among the skeletons and I didn't read much because we were in a pinch, but I thought I saw something about it in there." He handed it to me.

1st of Evening Star 3E 397


Yatilio Xyno

I hate the mine. If it wasn't for my girlfriends stupid father I wouldn't even be in here. He insisted I get a "good job" that had enough stability for a family. He was not a mind of interest per say. He was dumb, to be blunt. All he knows is the mine. So in order to marry my one love, I had to get this job. This job will kill me, mark my words.

15th of Evening Star 3E 397


Yatilio Xyno

Two weeks in this hell hole. Her father is the lead miner for my group, great. He has been hounding me, making me do double the work then the other miners have to do. He has developed a nasty cough, and hopefully he won't be able to boss me around much. My tunnel stretches that of double the other miners. Im overworked and underpaid.

21st of Evening Star 3E 397


Yatilio Xyno

During my shift today, about an hour or so in, I struck this weird ore. I had no idea, but I thought if I could get enough of it, they would make me lead miner. So I struck away, even unto the night. Turns out, it was a sarcophagus. I dug even further and it opened into a room, like a burial room. There was gold, and jewels, and some really old looking armor. It looked expensive, especially the Helmet! There is no way they won't make me lead miner now!

22nd of Evening Star 3E 397


Yatilio Xyno

I don't have much time. The Khajiit are coming. If my wife finds this journal, I hid the treasure where I proposed to you.

That was the last entry, so if can find her journal, I'm sure she wrote down where he proposed, only problem is he doesn't name her or her father in the journal. I handed the journal back to Orgu'sky. He read over it and looked at me,

"This was a major battle in the 5 years war. Thallon, there should be books upon books about what happened! All we have to do is find one that talks about the mine and we can piece it together from there."

The feeling of defeat was quickly replaced by motivation. We got this! He placed the journal back into his bag and we headed into Valenwood. We went back to Athay and went to see if we could find anything, we found nothing so we decided we better approach the King with this. He was not too happy when we told him.

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