Chapter 7

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3rd of Second Seed 4E211


Thallon Eljeon

I start this journal to record my journeys and travel of the coming times. I do not yet know what this world has in store for me, what I do know is that I will be involved in one of the greatest quests ever to be followed out. We will be fighting the darkness of the daedric princes with the light of the gods. With them on our side, we cannot fail. Today, we made it into port at Anvil in Cyrodiil. We are resting at the Flowing Bowl. It is a small little Inn but it will do. Tomorrow we journey to the Priory of the Nine. I do not worry what the gods have in store for us. I only hope the Champion will understand us.

I snapped out of my daydream. I took my helmet off and wiped the sweat from my face. I looked back up and I saw it, the Priory of the Nine, sitting there in the open. There were men, in armor, training in the back with bows and I could hear the clashing of metal. I walked past some trees and I saw the tower and the main building. It was overgrown with plants and the upkeep was out of date but you could feel the power resonating from the building. I walked up to the dorr and I touched it. I felt an energy in the door, as if it were alive, just like in Alinor, how exciting! I opened the door and walked in. There was a table to the left and a fire crackling across the table. My face lit up and then everything was black.

When I opened my eyes again there was a man crouching next to me. His chainmail flickering from the light of the fire. His sword was in his hand and he was staring at me.

"So, intruder, my name is Sir Mackiel of Pell's Gate," he just looked at me,

"Do you not speak, intruder? I introduced myself, it is only good manners to tell me your name." Manners? Just the word made my stomach twist. I raised my head to be level with his,

"My name, Sir Mackiel, is Thallon Eljeon. I am on a holy quest of which I need the aid of the Champion of Cyrodiil." My face was matter-of-fact and his glare did not waver.

"He is dead. He has been for centuries you fool. Now, tell me your reason for being here. If you wish to leave and never return you may, but if you are an agent of evil, I will cast thee into the land of Oblivion of the like you have never witnessed." He gripped his sword harder and his knuckles turned white.

"I believe it to be you who is the fool." A booming voice spoke. The man shot up and raised his shield. He then yelled,

"So! The intruder has a companion, how quaint. Show yourself coward!" Netoria walked down the stairs and the man fixed his posture and spun his sword around his hand, Netria smirked,

"Sir Mackiel, I am the Dovahkiin, blessed child born with the blood of a dragon, rumored kin of Akatosh. That man you have pinned down is my partner on this quest Sir knight. Please if you will, let him go." Mackiel laughed and charged Netoria. She spun around him and jumped over his right handed sweep. She then shot an arrow into his sword and disarmed him. Then she shouted.

"Feim Zii Gron!!" She became a spirit and the man stood there flabbergasted. He hit his knees and lowered his head.

"Akatosh forgive me." he whispered then stood up and helped me up, "I still did not get your name sir?"

"Thallon." I said and turned away from him. He went into a display case and grabbed this golden ring. He looked at us,

"Your quest calls for the Champion of Cyrodiil, here we have him. His age, never growing. His youth, never expiring. He is blessed by the gods for an eternity. The Holy Crusader. Follow me." He smiled and placed the ring in the center of this intricate floor design. The design shifted and the floor moved and turned into stairs! There was an old wooden door down the steps and he motioned for us to follow him. We walked down the stairs and through the door. The room was dark besides the glow of a forge in the corner. He lit a torch and we followed him into another room. I felt the spiritualness of this room as we entered. There across the room a brilliant light shown through and revealed the Holy Relics. I thought they were just a myth. We walked around a corner and opened another door. Inside it smelt of ale and tobacco, we walked through and he set the torch on a wall sconce and motioned for us to look. Our eyes glanced down and there was nothing but an empty bed. Netoria quickly drew her bow and pointed it at his head.

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