"You expect to give up my heritage so easily? I give an inch you press for a mile!"

"Please, your majesty, it is the only way to save all of Tamriel. What part of there will be no land left worth protecting if we all don't work together do you not understand?"

The king looked taken back and he shifted in his seat, seemed to weigh his options, then spoke.

"Aye, you speak the truth, fellow mer. Listen to me, the Helm resides in this castle. It is my favorite artifact. You will turn it over to those filthy cats, then after you save the entire world or whatever you steal it back for me. That is the only way." The nerve of this guy.

"Deal, bring it out here and when this is all over, it will go to its rightful owner." It was brought out in a lavender pillow. This guy really was head over heels for this. I grabbed it and he seemed to wince. I placed it in my bag, and we thanked them and went on our way. We traveled back to Torval, and presented it to the Mane. He slipped it over his head and sat back on his throne, pleased with himself. I was getting sick of being everyone gopher. Go for this or go for that. The fate of the world hangs in the balance and all these selfish kings want is their power and money. I stormed out and Orgu'sky ran after me,

"Thallon? What's wrong? We did it, we gained his favor. You should be happy?"

"Don't get me wrong Orc, I am happy we are a step closer, but it has been almost 3 weeks. For all we know Summerset is gone and everyone is dead. We are wasting time playing this stupid quest game!"

He was taken back but I think he understood me. He took a deep breath and sat down next to me.

"Thallon, listen man, I know exactly how you're feeling. During the Oblivion Crisis, I had to destroy oblivion gates and gather the aid of the surrounding cities. They made me do these stupid tasks to gain their favor. I hated it, I could have stopped the crisis before it took so many lives, but people are selfish and flawed and it was those very people that I saved. Being the hero doesn't mean you like everyone, it just means you are willing to put yourself and your needs, behind those of everyday people. We do these side quests because they need to trust us, and because we are the heroes we are the ones who put our asses on the line to gain their trusts. It isn't perfect but it's our world."

His speech made a lot of sense and actually calmed me down a bit. On the bright side gaining the favor of the Khajiit went relatively quickly. If the rest take less than a week to complete, we could be done in 3 weeks and maybe be back in Summerset before the Daedra have completely taken over. We headed East to the port. There was only one captain in all of the port that was even ok with taking us across the Topal Bay to the Black Marsh, his name was Do'Talaabi Kisearanji.

"So, you understand that I will take you to the Black Marsh only if I get to see the gold first?"

"Yes, and here it is," I showed him the septims inside of the coinpurse, " do we have an accord?"

"Hmm, yes. I will not take you back, or even step a foot on that pitiful trash pile of land. Once you are there Do'Talaabi goes home, yes?"

"Deal" Orgu'sky said.

We boarded his ship and took our seats along the edge of the boat, there was no cabin on here. Do'Talaabi got on the boat and opened the sails and pulled the anchor up, he then jogged up to the Captain's Wheel and he swerved us to the right, freeing us from the harbor. He set course due East and did not say a word the entire crossing. The sound of the waves rocking the boat reminded me of Netoria and I realized how much I missed her. I am sure if she was here we would be halfway across Hammerfell by now. She had such a fiery spirit and her presence was dominating. In the midst of my thinking I came back to focus and saw Orgu'sky looking at me, confused.

Thallon Eljeon: Consummation of LightWhere stories live. Discover now