"Thallon?" She asked while setting the bottle down.

"Yes, M'lady?" I said laughing at the end of my words.

"You know I have the senses of a trained marksman, do you not?"

"Well of course! The best in all of Summerset Isles if I remember the boast correctly." She chuckled and continued on.

"Then I must ask, do you have affection towards me?" My stomach shot downwards. I felt a sudden nervous feeling overtake me. I know I can't lie, she obviously knows.

"Uh, yes, I do. I never was going to act on them though, we are strictly business. I assure you. In my defense you are quite the woman." I sheepishly grinned and she was looking at the ceiling smiling.

"Why not? Do I scare you?" She teased.

"No, well I mean yes, kind of, but in a good way! I've never seen such a dangerous and remarkable woman, any man would be right to be scared of you."

"You have a way with words, Thallon. When this is all over, I would like to get to know you, off of the business schedule." I felt a bit giddy but tried to hide it,

"I think that is a very wonderful Idea."

She turned over and fell asleep. I was too giddy to sleep. So I laid there and pictured us. Hunting together, farming, building our house, all of these things together and I felt overwhelmingly happy. Maybe there was a light at the end of all of this. I have not stopped to think of my life after this. I have been so consumed with the thoughts of what is going to happen now I haven't, not even for a second considered what my life will be like afterwards. I am changing, I can feel it. I have done things I never thought I would. I suddenly felt at peace with myself. I could feel a warmth spread over me. An energy I have not felt in a while. I could not sleep though. I started to look around and I saw the book again. I have heard a lot of talk about the book. I decided to pick it up and read it:

The War of Two Minds

The passages that follow written by Orgu'sky Blewth

The thing that most do not consider when war is inevitable is the two minds. By two minds I mean this: The physical abilities and the metaphysical abilities. I am an Orc and so many presume my fighting style to be with Two-Handed weapons, they are not fully wrong. I am very skilled in this. Yet, I am also skilled in the art of Destruction Magic. No one would presume this at first glance. What the enemy does not know about you, is your advantage. If the enemy sees you as weak, that is when you flex the hardest. When the enemy views you as slow, you start to sprint. Their ignorance is your greatest wisdom. Being skilled in the physical ability to overtake your enemy and the mental way to overtake them will ensure victory of any battle.

I stopped reading because my eyelids could barely stay open. The book seemed very good and made me think of myself. I slid it into my knapsack and fell asleep. When we woke up it was pitch black. The torches must have died. I lifted my hand and without thinking cast a light spell to illuminate the room. Netoria was standing up and had a unlit torch in her head. Her face was appalled. Then she dropped the torch and ran up to me,

"Thallon!!!" She exclaimed, "You have your magic back! How did you do it?!" I laughed in disbelief. I cast another light spell and my smile grew even wider.

"I have no idea! I just cast it! This is great! Thank Aurie-El!" I got up and she hugged me. I was a bit taken back but was more than ecstatic for the hug.

"Now you can teach me! Your father will be glad to hear!" I thought back to the book I read last night. I thought for a second and said,

"Only you, and my father shall know." She looked quizzical and asked me why.

Thallon Eljeon: Consummation of LightWhere stories live. Discover now