Chapter 15: Encouragement of the Damned

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Chapter 15: Encouragement of the Damned

"Hurry up!" I yell. The others follow, as we dash out into the courtyard in front of the Mansion. We're outside, now, and the storm is still raging. After a long and fierce debate, I finally decided to trust in Yang, and lead the others out. America, being one of the strongest—physically—of us, is carrying a still unconscious Japan.

My gut clenches in worry for my white-haired brother, but I shake it off. He's fine. I tell myself firmly. A sudden snapping sensation makes me stumble mid-step. For a moment, I fear that Romano has somehow been killed, but then I realize that this feels different. Harsher, somehow.

And that emptiness in my mind is so loud, so all-encompassing, that I know who's dead. "Y-Yang..." I let out a shaky breath. "You idiot!" I glare over my shoulder at the Mansion, half expecting to see his mutilated corpse. "You promised..." Tears leak out of my eyes, and Romano gives me a concerned look.


"Yang... he's... He didn't make it." I scarcely believe the words that come out of my own mouth.

"Oh, Felice..." Romano searches for something to say that would help make things right. "Maybe he just shut off the link?"

"No..." I stop running once the Front Gates become visible. Yang's severed head is skewered upon the iron spikes, a look of pain and fear frozen on his stilled features. Adelchi's laughter echoes all around me.

"Wrong Choice, my little Ryuuzu."

I sit up in a panic, stifling my sobs. It takes me a moment to realize I'm still in the Safe Room. "Just a nightmare." The steady rise and fall of Japan's chest in the bed next to me comforts me, even if Yang is still missing.

Missing... Not dead. I remind myself as I carefully climb out of bed. I'm surprised to find Canada still awake. He's sitting at the window, watching the rain fall.

"You realize it's around 3 in the morning?" I question quietly, making him jump.

"Oh! Italy, you scared me."


"I was just thinking... you said the Annex was dangerous, but... we hardly ran into any of the Things. Don't you find that suspicious?"

"I do. Not only did we hide out in the Safe Room for several days, but then I head into the Annex, and run into only a single Fire Thing on my way back up to the Safe Room? Something isn't right. It's too quiet. This... It's only ever this quiet during the first few days of the loop... Usually, after I get the Front Door Key, Adelchi pulls out all the stops... so why is he holding back? Why now... He even let me take Japan back without a fight. It doesn't add up." I drum my fingers against the windowsill, a pensive look on my face.

"And Yang's still missing..."

"Yes... I fear he's part of the reason in this sudden break we've been given, but..." I lean on my fist in thought, only to feel the edge of the chair I'm sitting on bump against something in my pocket. I blink in surprise when I pull out the mirror Luciano gave me. "Oh, Luci. I forgot about you." I state, looking into the annoyed fuchsia eyes of my 2P.

"Thanks. Really feeling the love, fratello." He huffs, rolling his eyes. "What's been going on? You seem edgy."

"Well, Japan went missing, was found in the Annex with a missing arm, I met Adelchi and learned partially who and what he is, and now I'm sitting here talking to you. And I broke a fake clock in Study on the Fifth Floor. Oh, yeah. And Yang went missing somewhere in the Annex."

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