A Long Day

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"Jess... Jess~... JESS, WAKE UP!!!"

I bolt out of the chair, the Dream bitty clinging on to me for dear life. I move my hand down to make sure he doesn't fall. Dream immediately jumps onto my hand and grabs my hoodie sleeve. 

"What do you want? I was asleep." I yawn out, clearly ticked off at Emma. 

She looks at the little bitty in my hand and glances up at me, expectantly. She moves her eyes to the little bitty who is hugging my thumb and looking at her, obviously annoyed, because she disturbed us. 

"Well, the stores about to close... I was wondering if you were gonna adopt the cute little guy you were cuddling with?" She asks, kind of nervous that I was staring her down in obvious annoyance. I decide to ignore her and I look down at the little bitty in my hand... 

"Well, buddy, what do you say? Wanna come home with me?" I ask, looking at the little bitty.

The pinpricks in his eye sockets are now sparkling and his resting grin grows wider.

"Of course! As long as I am the bitty you really want." He agrees, delighted by my offer.

I look at him skeptically and his grin fades but I am quick to reassure him. 

"Why wouldn't I want an adorable buddy like you?" I ask. His grin is now back but ten times bigger as he jumps up to hug my neck. I walk to the counter and they ask me to sign a paper.

"Now, you have to take full responsibility for him and take care of him! Miss..." The lady at the desk glances down at the adoption papers. "Jessica Nickle!"

Her overly cheerful voice gives me a headache.

"Yes, yes. Can I go, now?" I ask, clearly wanting to leave considering it started raining outside. She looks at me like I just slapped a child. Looking down, she gives my new bitty a sympathetic look. 

"Yes. You may go, now." She explains, waving me off. 

She seems quite ticked off about my attitude. I walk out the door and get to the car only to hear screaming coming from the alleyway. 

"Well, this is gonna be a long day..." I sigh, running over to the source of the noise.

Bitty Bones (My Little Babies) DISCONTINUED (Creating a New Book Soon)Where stories live. Discover now