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Why does it feel like night today?
Something in the air's not right today
Why am I so uptight today?
Paranoia's all I got left
I don't know what stressed me first
Or how the pressure was fed
But I know just what it feels like
To have a voice in the back of my head
Like a face that I hold inside
A face that awakes when I close my eyes
A face watches every time I lie
A face that laughs every time I fall
(It watches everything)
So I know now when it's time to sink or swim
That the face inside is hearing me
Right beneath my skin

It's like I'm paranoid lookin' over my back

It's like a whirlwind inside of my head
It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin


The still sleepy blonde groans irritatedly as he grabs for his phone and cuts off the alarm.

"Fuck I want to sleep more." the blonde blurted outloud as he snuggles himself more at his huge hotdog pillow. He only had atleast an hour of sleep, but he has to get up. Work isn't going to wait for him.

Naruto's POV.

I immediately jumps in the shower to somehow wake myself up and shrug off this nauseous and dizzy feelings caused by lack of sleep.

"Whoaaaah." i said as the cold water starts dripping off the shower, the water heater didn't work right away as it needs to heat up first. While waiting for the water to heats up I couldn't helped but to poke fun of my situation.

"I wonder what's harder, taking a shower every morning in the cold winter or waking up early without even sleeping." i said while I shake my head. When I finished bathing, I started walking like a zombie towards the direction of my workplace, just 3 blocks away from my rented apartment.

I love walking, especially when anxiety ticks in it helps me somehow control the symptoms. I just walk or run around town, tire myself till my legs numbed so I can go right straight to bed dead on spot.

"Mhaaan I'm hungry, I forgot my breakfast. Maybe I'll have brunch on Ichiraku's later hehe." I scratches my head.
When I reached my destination, I immediately drown myself to work only taking a short brunch at my favorite ramen stand before drowning myself again against the crap load of paper works filed on my table.

"Has anyone told you that you're getting uglier day by day Naruto?" bothers Sai with a nasty smile plastered across his paled face.

"Fuck off Sai. I have deadlines to meet. Go find someone else to piss." I spats back at him.

Sai let's out a chuckle. "Look at those horrendous dark circles around your eyes? It seems like you hadn't slept well, so who's the unlucky woman you jerked off to last night?"

That's it. I grabbed the nearest tissue box and throw it hard on him. That son of a bitch easily dodges it and escapes my booth laughing like a devil as he run towards his own. His laugh echoes around the floor building that we are occupying, making other co-employees look at our direction.

OH by the way, I just got promoted and was absorbed to the main company last month, new office, new associates and hopefully new friends. I glance at them with an apologetic look,

Shino- the stoic and matterly of a fact bug dude who rarely smiles and shows his emotions. Creepy yeah?

Sasuke- the butt ducked hair dude who thinks highly of himself and a fucking fuck boy who is always chased by women.

Sakura and Ino- the best friends forever duo. Both over confident, mild tempered who always lashes out at others. At the same time both are friendly and loyal to their friends.

Sai- the mother fucking dirty ugly son of a bitch who loves to annoy people and a perverted asshole all in but don't be deceived by his antics, he's one of the best when it comes to his business.

And lastly..

"What's her name again." I asked myself. Trying to recall. As I gradually peek at her ID badge. Her booth is just across mine though it's not clear but it reads... Hyuga.

"Hyuugaaa..." narrowing my eyes trying my best to get a better view.

"What the fuckinggg Hyuga what?" I only sees her surname. Damn it, she suddenly looks at my direction and automatically I look at the other side to avoid hers. Opps I almost got caught. Well she's not an eyecatcher, so I never really bother to know more about her, who would?

She's so old fashioned and she looks so boring as fuck. Though she's friendly and nice to all but mhaan who would have an interest with that kind of a lady who wears long skirts that almost kisses her toes and too baggy trousers to match her outdated loose blouses, her hair always tied in a bun and for fucks sake the glasses. The fucking big eyeglasses that she wears paired with her weird and creepy eyes.


When office hour is done, I decided to drop by the nearest grocery store since I'm already running out of cup ramens, food stocks and other necessities.
I was pushing my cart looking and picking items shelves after shelves , when my eyes caught a familiar blonde hair. Shion. My ex girlfriend, clinging on to some dude while shopping. Years ago, just seeing her hanging out with random dudes makes my blood boils and wants to murder every guy that she dates.

Well that was all in the past. Now, I couldn't care less if she makes out with a random dude in the middle of an expressway and gets run flat by a speeding truck. Breaking up with her is a bittersweet experience.

Though it took years, yes years, for me to move on. It was all worth the troubles and pain.

"With a catch though." he whispered to himself with a sad smile.

You wanna know what happened between Naruto and Shion before? Stay tuned to the next chapter...

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