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Name: Y/n "Jhin" Whisper.

Age: Unknown. Looks like an 18-19 year old.

Relatives: Unknown. May or may not have a connectionto the Rose family.

Race: Unknown. Thought to be a demon or devil.

Eye Colour: Blood Red.

Hair Colour: White. With red streak in it.

Favorite number: 4.

Birthday: 4th April.

Danger level: SSS+ Don't try to fight "him" you will die. Said by General Ironwood.

Fake: Calm, happy, serious and artistic.
Real: Sadistic, cold blooded, evil and artistic.

Likes: Art, murder, the colour red, the number four, blood. (Later in the story, Ruby and Blake)

Dislikes: Ozpin, Ironwood, people who doesn't like his art, bullies and idiots.

Aura Colour: Blood Red.

Semblance: "Blood art" A fancy word for blood manipulation.

There are two parts to this semblance.
You have a passive and an "active"
The passive is called "Bloodlust" think of it kinda like a fear mechanism. You inflict fear into others. You can choose who is going to be affected or you can just let it do what ever.

The other part is that you can control your own blood and others. You can for an example make weapons made out of blood. Boil someone alive by changing the temperature of their blood.

One drawback to this is that you have to be in sight range if you are not your semblance is not going to work.


With Mask on:

With Mask off: (You keep the same clothes, you just don't use the mask and both of the eyes are red

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With Mask off: (You keep the same clothes, you just don't use the mask and both of the eyes are red.)

Your weapons:

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Your weapons:


It can only shoot four times before you have to reload it. The fourth shot is more powerfull.

 The fourth shot is more powerfull

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Whisper's other form:

It shoots one powerfull shot. The shot ignores the person's aura, and is most likely to kill anyone it hits.

 The shot ignores the person's aura, and is most likely to kill anyone it hits

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Silent Death:

You don't really use this much, but when someone get's close you use it.


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It's either Ruby or Blake.

I have my reasons for this.

1. The reader really loves the colour red, and Ruby wears red....this one doesn't make too much sense. May or may not be incest or something like that.

2. Because i am going to follow my own timeline, i am going to make Blake into an Art lover, she really loves Y/N's art.

Gotta choose one day.

I am gonna leave it at this for now. Expect more soon.

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