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'I am thinking' - Thinking.

*I am doing stuff...stop* - Actions.

Location: Vale City.

No one's POV:

Ruby: I wonder why Ozpin called us to meet him.

Yang: Well, he probably have a good reason too i guess?

Weiss: You dolts probably did something bad.

Blake: I am gonna agree with Weiss.

Ruby and Yang: Awwww come on. We are not that bad!

Weiss and Blake: ............

Ruby: Well! We reached our destination!

Ozpin's POV:

Ozpin: Hmm..ah! Hello team RWBY.

Ruby: Hello headmaster! Can you tell us why we are here? Did we do something bad? Or is it something else?

Ozpin: My my Ruby. You guys didn't do anything...I am just here to give you guys a mission.

Weiss: What kind of mission? Is it like a scouting mission? Or something else?

Yang: OH! Are we going to chase a murderer or a criminal?

Ruby: That sound scary and probably dangerous.

Blake: I think he is just going to send us to kill some grimm. I don't think we are ready for a mission like that Yang.

Yang: Awww...that's no fun at all.

Ozpin: *Chuckels* I am afraid that Yang is correct.

All of them except Yang: WHAT!! YOU ARE JOKING! YOU GOTTA BE JOKING!!!!


Ozpin:'s not gonna be that fun actually. You guys with a team from ATLAS will try to capture this "person".

Weiss: May i ask who are we going to catch? If we get to know his name maybe we could get some information about him.

Ozpin: Of course..I think you all heard of the Vale murders that happend some years ago. I want you, Team RWBY to catch the person that stood behind these murders.

RWBY: WHAT! We thought he is sitting in jail??

Ozpin: I thought that too, until Ironwood found out he escaped..and he is also after my head.

Blake: May i ask why he is after you?

Ozpin: I am the reason he was in jail....he wants revenge and a new sacrifice for his "art"

RWBY: Okay! We are going to try our best! Wait, what was his name again? We didn't catch that.

Ozpin: Of course you guys didn't. I never said it, but his real name is unknown, but we call him "Jhin The Virtuoso" Be carefull he is very dangerous and very tricky to get. If killing him is the it...I will just say this once! KILL HIM IF YOU HAVE CHANCE! I WANT HIM OFF THIS EARTH FOREVER!

RWBY: *Shocked by Ozpins sudden scream* O-oh...Yes of course headmaster! We will head out right away!

Ozpin: No, wait i will call in a bullhead. You guys have to go to ATLAS to meet the team you will work with.

RWBY: Okay. We will not dissapoint you!

Ozpin: Thank you. You are dismissed.

"Jhin" POV:

Oh that's cute Ozpin. Sending some school girls after me. Tsk, i didn't think you would just send your students after me. I am kinda dissapointed, but it's better than nothing i guess.

*"Jhin" slowly started to walk to Beacon Academy*

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I hope you all like my story so far!

I would love a comment or two!

Don't be shy to correct my grammar! I am very positive when it comes to correction and more!

Next chapter is probably going to come out 2-4 weeks from now.

School is eating my time.

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