Liz "Zed"

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Name: Liz "Zed"

Age: 23.

Relatives: Unknown.

Race: Human.

Eye Colour: Crimson Red.

Hair Colour: Snow White.

Birthday: 14th April.

Danger level: SSS+ "You won't see it coming."

Personality: Cold blooded, calm, serious, neutral (Tends to not pick sides)

Likes: Shadows (I wonder why.), being alone, rice, ninja stuff.

Dislikes: People (In general), Ironwood, bullies/smartasses and idiots.

Aura Colour: Black.

Semblance: "Shadow Game" The ability to manipulate shadows as it finest, (As far as Atlas knows, 6 shadows can be summoned.)


AAAFTEEEER 700+ years, i have finally decided to start up this book again!

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AAAFTEEEER 700+ years, i have finally decided to start up this book again!

@LizardoInABox is making this book with me now.

How i decided to start this book up again, is legit because me and lizardo were talking and ideas came out of nowhere.

SO! Look forward to it!

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