chapter 12

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It was the day of my funeral and I stood in the back crying. I was being burried in our backyard today and I hated it.

I never thought I would actually come and see my funeral. It was a strange thing to come too. "I'm so sorry Gwen." My brother whispered as he stood beside me.

I looked away from him. My hands were tightening as I tried not to break down. Being here right now was already too much.

I wanted to stay but the pain was just too much. I excused myself and hurried behind a tree. When I was out of sight I slowly fell to my knees. Crying as I leaned over and clutched the ground.

Life wasn't fair and I wish I could cheat death. I felt my heart hurting from pain. This wasn't how I planned to die. Yeah I thought about it but I was hoping it was from old age.

I wanted to see my daughter grow up, find her mate, and see my little grandchildren. Now I won't be able to hug them or talk them. Or spoil them while their mother was asleep.

Aron placed his hand on my shoulder but I don't care. I needed to let it out instead of keeping it in. "Gwen your time has come to join us."

Sniffling from time to time I cleaned my face. Standing up I didn't spare him a glance. Walking slowly around from the tree I looked up at my daughter.

She was crying in her father's arms. He turned my way as if sensing someone was here. He tensed up and stared wide eyed at me. I froze where I was not sure if he could see me.

Cassandra looked up at her father to see what was wrong. She turned to look and her mouth fell slightly open. George stood and started off walking towards me then broke out in a run.

Smiling I held my arms out for him and he hugged me. Laughing he picked me up and started swinging me in the air. He brought his lips to mine and I closed my eyes tightly kissing back.

My body relaxed in his arms as I captured this moment. How his hands were around me tightly but gentle. His kiss was rough and needing.

Everything about this made me forget I was dead. Made me think it was another day at our home. But it wasn't.

This would be the last time I see, feel, and talk to him. Pulling away just enough to see his face I frowned. "I can't stay long" I whispered and his hands around me tightened.

"No you can't go I just got you back in my life." Smiling I rubbed his cheek, "you still have apart of me. Cassandra acts just like me with that attitude of hers."

He grinned and I kissed him one last time before I stepped beside him. Cassandra stood shocked to see me. "Well are you going to give me a hug before I go?"

She took a moments hesitation before she jumped in my arms. Holding her tight I whispered I love her in her ear. "I love you two mom but do you have to stay?"

Standing up I slowly nodded my head. On my left side I saw a bright light from the corner of my eye. Looking, I saw my parents and brother waiting for me.

I kisses my daughter goodbye and hugged George tightly, giving him a gentle kiss. "You'll always be on my mind" I looked between them then sneaked a look at the boy.

He got beside Cassandra and I ruffled his hair. Smiling at them I walked over to my family and hugged them. "Not so fast" my father said.

Raising my eyebrow he motioned to something behind me. Turning I gasped in pure shock. Kevin stood a distance away looking like he didn't belong.

I grinned and he walked towards us. His eyes were his beautiful ones and he was himself. "Where do I start?" He whispered as tears started to fall.

I brought him in a tight hug and rubbed his back. "It's not your fault." I whispered and stood by my mom. His eyes darkened and a black mist floated out of him and disappeared.

"You freed me, thank you." I looked at him confused. "A touch from an angel can bring them out and kill them." He told me, smiling he looked over at his brother.

They did an awkward guy hug and my mom set her hand on my shoulder; letting me know it was time.

Behind Kevin I saw my old friends emerging from the woods. Vivi, the witch and her husband, and surprisingly Hazel. Next to her stood a beautiful seventeen year old. That was Hazels and Arons daughter.

I elbowed Aron and pointed at them. Aron grinned and showed her so much emotion before my mom and dad turned and walked towards the light.

Aron grabbed my hand and we gave one last look at our loved ones before we stepped through the light.

Saying goodbye to your family or loved ones is hard. But in the end its nice to know people care

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