Chapter Five- A momentary smile

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The very first class of the day was potions, which Addie was particularly not looking forward to, considering her last encounter with Professor Snape. Addie, Angelina and the twins pottered into the classroom and stationed themselves in a back corner. Addie found herself seated next to a rather good-looking Hufflepuff boy. He had a perfect mess of light brown hair that framed his grey eyes extremely well. Addie peered down at his workbook for a name. 'Cedric Diggory' she read. Where has she heard his name before? Addie pondered. Ah yes, she remembered, before she got with the Weasley boy, Angelina was mad for Cedric. He was a school sweet-heart, very popular and very clever.
Snape's classes always seem to take longer than others, it had only been 20 minutes but it felt like hours. If only Remus was teaching.
"Hey, you've heard the news right?" The Hufflepuff boy whispered.
"Uh, what news?" Addie replied with a look of confusion plastered across her face.
"Oh, I thought everyone knew."
The boy lowered his voice. "I don't mean to startle you," the boy gazed down at her book in search of her name, "Addilyn, but there's talk of a Werewolf on the school grounds".
Addilyn let out an audible gasp. A werewolf?!She thought they were only creatures of nightmares and fairytales.
"Please don't worry, it shouldn't be an issue, don't forget that we share a school with one of the most powerful wizards ever- Dumbledore. He'll protect us." The brown-haired boy said, reassuring Addie with a grin.
"Oh, yeah, of course" Addie said, but she wasn't feeling reassured, a real life werewolf was prowling the castle. That sounded terrifying.

After what seemed like forever, the class finally ended and Addilyn was dying to see Remus. Unfortunately, she didn't have a class with him today, but that wouldn't stop her from seeing him. They were friends after all- right? But first, it was lunch time.

She was sat across from Angie and of course the twins weren't far away. She engaged in conversation with her friends until a brilliant buffet arose from the table. Addie willingly delved into the feast before her as she abruptly felt a pair of eyes burning into her profile. Curiously, the girl gazed to her side to be momentarily met with the dreamy blue eyes of Professor Lupin. The pair beamed at each other for a split second before Remus tore away. Addie continued with her lunch, but her mind never strayed from that small moment she shared with Remus.

The school day had come to an end and Addie had only one thing on her mind- to see Remus. Instead of going to her dorm as she was supposed to, she set sail to search for him, leaving her friends behind. Her excuse was that she needed to catch up on studying in the library, but Angie knew exactly where her real destination was. The first place she decided to look was his classroom- which was an obvious choice. Much to her dismay, the professor was nowhere to be seen.
"Where else could he possibly be?" she pondered.
He couldn't be in the infirmary, he had just recovered, and besides, she saw him in the great hall only earlier that day. She searched and searched and was about to abandon hope before turning a corner face first into Remus's chest.
"Addie!" The man said with a cheery grin, looking up from a pile of paperwork.
"Hello, I was just looking for you," Addie replied.
"Oh, well, what can I do for you?" Lupin asked.
Oh. That was a question Addie hadn't really thought of an answer for. What could he do for her? She can't really tell him that she just wanted to see him? Could she?
"I need some help with some work" Addie lied.
"Well, you came to the right person," Remus laughed, "follow me."
Addie immediately shadowed the man, and was lead to his classroom.
"Well what do you need help with?" Lupin questioned, huffing a large pile of papers upon his desk. Addie was stood stiffly at the doorway whilst Remus took a seat at his desk. He signalled his hand towards a seat next to him. Addie eagerly settled beside Remus.
"Well, I'm falling rather behind in Professor Snapes class and well, I couldn't exactly find a way to ask him for help, so I came to you" Addie muttered in a tizzy.
Lupin let out a light laugh at the professor Snape comment, he and Severus had never exactly been in cahoots with one another.
"Of course I'll help, but you seem quite nervous Addie, are you well?" He questioned.
"Haha yes, I just have a lot of work to do." Addie said. Although it was true that she was feeling nervous. She wasn't sure why but being here with Remus felt rather awkward.
"There's no need to feel nervous, I can assure you that you are a bright enough witch to tackle anything Professor Snape throws at you." Lupin said, placing his hand on Addilyn's leg. This caused Addie's face to turn a very vivid shade of red. She graciously accepted the compliment with a "thank you."
Addie was feeling a tad lightheaded. It was a moment she had only dreamt of. Lupin was incredibly close to her and his hand was placed upon her lap. If she didn't know any better, she'd say he liked her. But of course her rational brain was telling her the very thought was absurd. He was a teacher, he was so much older than her. She felt a sudden awareness to remove herself from the situation. Addie wanted more than anything to tell him how she felt, but what if he didn't feel the same. What if she'd been a fool and read the signals wrong. She needed time to think it over.
"What is it you need help with exactly?" Remus inquired.
"Um, actually, I think I'm okay, I uh... I should be getting back to my dorm" Addilyn hurried off before she could even get a reply.

Back in her dorm, Angelina was waiting up for her.
"Good time with Remus, huh?" Angie questioned.
"Um, I need to ask you something" Addie replied.
Angie nodded and perched on her bed.
"I think he likes me?" Angie said sheepishly.
Angie's face transformed into a state of confusion. She let out a sigh.
"Okay, Addie," she sighed again, "lets think rationally here, he is grown adult, and not to mention- your teacher. And you, you're a 16 year old student, with not a single ounce of experience with boys."
"I know, I know" Addie gazed down at her fidgeting fingers, "but Angie, I mean, what if he does like me?"
"You can't possibly be thinking of asking him out?" Angie shouted whilst Addie was plastered with a look of guilt.
"That's insane!!" Angie said in great disapproval.
"Angie, you have to understand, I think I might love him, I mean, he really listens to me.."
"LOVE HIM?!! Do you know how crazy you sound right now?!" Angelina interrupted.
"Really Ange? I thought you actually cared about what I want in life, you're supposed to be my best friend!" Addie spat in anger, wiping a tear from her cheek, " but, I guess I was wrong."
Addie stormed out of the girl's dorm and huffed into the common room. She bundled herself into the corner of a couch. All she wanted to do was cry, she felt so emotionally overwhelmed. Her friends should encourage her not belittle her. Addilyn was furious. She let her emotions out- I mean, it's not like anyone was around to see or judge her for it.

The hour was late and Addie composed herself, she had had time to think. Wiping away her tears and fixing her hair, she stood with a look of intent. It had been about a half hour since her dispute with Angelina and she had pushed the thought to the back of her mind. She had only one goal on her mind now- to tell Remus how she felt.

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